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4.2.1 Command Line Client

The C:\Program Files\RAYLASE\ProcessDataAnalyzer\API\SampleCode\SampleApplications\CommandLineClient can be used to test the 3.2.1 Service/Server/Client API connection, for manual command line interference with a running setup or for small batch script automations.

Example Usage

This sections aims to give you an idea how to use the RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe. For a list of all available commands in your current RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe version, type:

List all command line client commands
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe --help

It is also possible to get help on a specific command for its parameters, e.g.:

List command line client command parameters
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe export --help

0 Preliminary Setup

To use the RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe, first make sure that an instance of the ProcessDataAnalyzer.Service.exe is running. Otherwise, the client will have no endpoint to connect to.

1 Connect a Card

First we will have to connect a card. Please note that the service can be running in the background indefinitely, so once a card is connected and not explicitly disconnected, it will stay connected to the service as long as the service is running.

Below we will connect a card by IP address. If you are not sure which IP address belongs to the card you want to connect to, it is also possible to connect by serial number.

Note  Notice: By connecting a device by serial number, the service will need to perform a discovery first. This is done once for the current session or if the specified serial number is not found in the session cache.

Connect a card
Rem If unsure, get some information on the connect command
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe connect --help

Rem Connect to a card by IP address
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe connect

If no connection target is specified, the service will try to connect to the last used device.

2 Acquire Trace Data

Now we can start the acquisition on the connected card. If no card is specified with the acquisition command, all connected cards will start the acquisition simultaneously.

The card's configuration will be the last used configuration of the PDA UI or service. In this example we want to acquire data for five seconds and we want the command line to return after the acquisition is done.

Acquire traces
Rem Start a 5 s acquisition with a blocking call on all connected cards
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe start --autoStopSeconds 5 --waitForStop

It will take roughly five seconds after hitting enter for the command line to return. The acquisition time sets the actual card acquisition run time. This ignores the logic overhead implied by the command line tool and the server/client connection and its processing.

3 Export Data

Now that we have successfully acquired some data, we can export them. The exported data can be used in a variety of use cases.

If the trace files are saved, they can be loaded for inspection into the PDA UI.

Save traces
Rem Save trace files
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe save --path "C:\"

If the traces are exported, they can be used in Excel or other post-processing programs. The file ending determines the exported file type. A distinction between .csv and .txt is made.

Export traces
Rem Save trace files
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe export --path "C:\export.csv"

4 Disconnect Card

Depending on your use cases it might make sense to disconnect the card from the service when it is not needed any more. This can enable the card to connect to a different application, depending on the card's connection restrictions.

Disconnect all connected cards
Rem Disconnect all connected cards
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe disconnect
Save the Current PDA Service Configuration

The currently used PDA configuration of the service can be saved to a .json file.

Get the current configuration of the service
Rem Saves the current service PDA configuration to .json
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe savePdaConfiguration --path "C:\CurrentConfigurations.json"
Set a Custom Configuration

Unlike the PDA API, the Command Line Client does not supply a fine grained configuration of each card's signals. It offers the functionality to load an existing Configurations.json though. The Configurations.json needs to include a configuration for each connected device, uniquely identified by the ConnectionId, see 3.2.3 Card Connection.

Load a Configurations.json
Rem Load a configurations file from path
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe setPdaConfig --path "C:\CurrentConfigurations.json"
List all currently connected cards

It is possible to get a list of connected cards to ensure the connection order and number of connections is as expected.

List all connected cards
Rem List all connected cards
RAYLASE.PDA.CommandLineClient.exe getConnectedCards