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ExportRequest Class

Export request.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: RAYLASE.PDA.API.Protos (in RAYLASE.PDA.API.Protos.dll) Version: 1.2.0
public sealed class ExportRequest : IMessage<ExportRequest>, 
	IMessage, IEquatable<ExportRequest>, IDeepCloneable<ExportRequest>, 

The ExportRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCard If set exports acquired trace data for set card, otherwise for all currently connected devices.
Public propertyStatic memberDescriptor 
Public propertyExportPath Path to save exported signals to (for PC running the service).
Public propertyFirstTimestamp Start of export in µs; defaults to first timestamp (0 µs).
Public propertyHasUseDecimalPointGets whether the "use_decimal_point" field is set
Public propertyHasWriteHeadersGets whether the "write_headers" field is set
Public propertyHasWriteTimestampsGets whether the "write_timestamps" field is set
Public propertyLastTimestamp End of export in µs, defaults to last timestamp.
Public propertyStatic memberParser 
Public propertySignalsWithUnit Signal(s) with unit(s) to export, defaults to all signals with default/last used units.
Public propertyUseDecimalPoint True: Use point "." as decimal separator; False: Use comma ",". Defaults to false (comma ",").
Public propertyWriteHeaders Write the export file headers. Defaults to true.
Public propertyWriteTimestamps Write an additional timestamp column to the export file. Defaults to false.
Public methodCalculateSize 
Public methodClearUseDecimalPointClears the value of the "use_decimal_point" field
Public methodClearWriteHeadersClears the value of the "write_headers" field
Public methodClearWriteTimestampsClears the value of the "write_timestamps" field
Public methodClone 
Public methodEquals(ExportRequest) 
Public methodEquals(Object)
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodGetHashCode
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodMergeFrom(CodedInputStream) 
Public methodMergeFrom(ExportRequest) 
Public methodToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodWriteTo 
Public fieldStatic memberCardFieldNumberField number for the "card" field.
Public fieldStatic memberExportPathFieldNumberField number for the "export_path" field.
Public fieldStatic memberFirstTimestampFieldNumberField number for the "first_timestamp" field.
Public fieldStatic memberLastTimestampFieldNumberField number for the "last_timestamp" field.
Public fieldStatic memberSignalsWithUnitFieldNumberField number for the "signals_with_unit" field.
Public fieldStatic memberUseDecimalPointFieldNumberField number for the "use_decimal_point" field.
Public fieldStatic memberWriteHeadersFieldNumberField number for the "write_headers" field.
Public fieldStatic memberWriteTimestampsFieldNumberField number for the "write_timestamps" field.
See Also