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TriggerConfig Properties

The TriggerConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContinuousSegment If true, segments will have a continuous timestamp; if false each segments time starts at 0.
Public propertyStatic memberDescriptor 
Public propertyMode Trigger mode.
Public propertyOffSignal Trigger signal to stop recording.
Public propertyOffValue Value of the off signal to trigger off. Only needed for label trigger.
Public propertyOnSignal Trigger signal to start recording.
Public propertyOnValue Value of the on signal to trigger on. Only needed for label trigger.
Public propertyStatic memberParser 
Public propertyPostTrigger Additional recording time after the acquisition was triggered off.
Public propertyPreTrigger Additional recording time before the acquisition is triggered on.
Public propertyStopAfterTriggerOff Stop the acquisition after the specified time unless triggered on again.
Public propertyTriggerOffDelay Delayed trigger off which can be cancelled by gate on
See Also