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AcquisitionStartRequest Properties

The AcquisitionStartRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoStopSeconds Timeout interval to stop the acquisition.
Public propertyCard Card to start the acquisition on. If none is specified, the acquisition is started on all currently connected cards.
Public propertyStatic memberDescriptor 
Public propertyForceFieldCorrectionFileUpdate True: Forces the filed correction file to update. Omitted or false keeps an existing field correction file.
Public propertyHasAutoStopSecondsGets whether the "auto_stop_seconds" field is set
Public propertyHasForceFieldCorrectionFileUpdateGets whether the "force_field_correction_file_update" field is set
Public propertyHasWaitForStopGets whether the "wait_for_stop" field is set
Public propertyStatic memberParser 
Public propertyWaitForStop True: Blocks the caller until the acquisition runs into an auto stop timeout or a stop triggered. Starts non-blocking acquisition otherwise.
See Also