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1.3 System Requirements

These are minimum requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows operating system, 32 or 64 bit. RAYGUIDE and the SDK are still working with Windows from version 7 on, but only Windows 10 will be supported in the future.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 or higher.

  • CPU with 1.8 GHz.

  • 4 GB of RAM.

  • 200 MB of free disk space.

  • RAYGUIDE SDK licence.

  • A .NET development environment (Visual Studio needs at least further 800 MB disk space, but typically 20 GB to 50 GB more).

  • For development with the SDK no scan controller is needed (a SP-ICE-3 emulator is available), but for real laser marking a RAYLASE SP-ICE-3 scan controller is necessary.