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GpioAPI Class

Provides access to GPIO operations.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public class GpioAPI : Spice3API

The GpioAPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleGetAvailableIOPinMappingList Gets the available pin-mappings for all ports.
Public methodGetConfig Gets the current configuration from the card.
Public methodGetDirections Gets the current pin-group directions for the selected port.
Public methodGetFunctions Gets the port's current pin function selector values.
Public methodCode exampleGetGroupCount Gets the number of pin-groups for the specified port.
Public methodGetIOLevel Gets the currently I/O voltage level of the specified port.
Public methodGetOutput Gets the port's output register value.
Public methodGetPinCount Gets the pin count for the specified port.
Public methodGetPolarities Gets the current logic polarity of the individual pins on the selected port.
Public methodGetSupportedDirections Gets the supported pin-group I/O direction(s) for the specified port.
Public methodGetSupportedIOLevels Gets the supported I/O voltage levels for the specified port.
Public methodGetWriteDelay Gets the delay between updating the output and asserting the 'Write' signal for the selected port.
Public methodGetWriteWidth Gets the amount of time the 'Write' signal is asserted after updating the selected port.
Public methodLoadConfig (Re-)Loads the configuration for all ports from the card's local storage.
Public methodRead Reads a port's input pins.
Public methodSetConfig Sets the current configuration on the card.
Public methodSetDirections Sets the pin-group directions for the selected port.
Public methodSetFunctions Sets the pin function selectors for the port.
Public methodSetIOLevel Sets the I/O voltage level on the specified port.
Public methodSetPolarities Sets the logic polarity of the individual pins on the selected port.
Public methodSetWriteDelay Sets the delay between updating the output and asserting the 'Write' signal for the selected port.
Public methodSetWriteWidth Sets the amount of time the 'Write' signal is asserted after updating the selected port.
Public methodStoreConfig Stores the current configuration for all ports in the card's local storage for later (re-)loading.
Public methodWrite Writes a value to a port's output pins.
See Also