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TraceEventType Enumeration

TraceBuffer events

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.TraceBuffer
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.TraceBufferLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.TraceBufferLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public enum TraceEventType
Member nameDescription
PortA This will occur on changes at PortA. The payload is 16 bits wide, one bit per PortA input. Payload bit 0 represents PortA0, bit 1 represents PortA1 ...
PortB This will occur on changes at PortB. The payload is 16 bits wide, one bit per PortB input. Payload bit 0 represents PortB0, bit 1 represents PortB1 ...
PortC This will occur on changes at PortC. The payload is 16 bits wide, one bit per PortC input. Payload bit 0 represents PortC0, bit 1 represents PortC1 ...
PortDLow This will occur on changes at PortD. The payload is 16 bits wide, one bit per PortD input. Payload bit 0 represents PortD0, bit 1 represents PortD1 ...
PortDHigh This will occur on changes at PortD. The payload is 8 bits wide, one bit per PortD input. Payload bit 0 represents PortD16, bit 1 represents PortD17 ...
PortELow This will occur on changes at PortE. The payload is 16 bits wide, one bit per PortE input. Payload bit 0 represents PortE0, bit 1 represents PortE1 ...
PortEHigh This will occur on changes at PortE. The payload is 8 bits wide, one bit per PortE input. Payload bit 0 represents PortE16, bit 1 represents PortE17 ...
PortLaserIn This will occur on changes at LaserIn. The payload is 2 bits wide, one bit per LaserIn input.
PortLaserIn0 This will occur on changes of bit 0 at LaserIn. The payload size is one bit.
PortLaserIn1 This will occur on changes of bit 1 at LaserIn. The payload size is one bit.
PortLaserOut This will occur on changes at LaserOut. The payload is 3 bits wide, one bit per LaserOut output.
PortLaserOut0 This will occur on changes of bit 0 at LaserOut. The payload size is one bit.
PortLaserOut1 This will occur on changes of bit 1 at LaserOut. The payload size is one bit.
PortLaserOut2 This will occur on changes of bit 2 at LaserOut. The payload size is one bit.
Dac0 This will occur on changes at Dac0 output. The payload is 16 bits wide. A value of 0 represents 0V and a value of 65535 represents +10V at the DAC output. Be aware that the actual DAC resolution is only 12 bits, so the 4 LSB do not affect the voltage.
Dac1 This will occur on changes at Dac1 output. The payload is 16 bits wide. A value of 0 represents 0V and a value of 65535 represents +10V at the DAC output. Be aware that the actual DAC resolution is only 12 bits, so the 4 LSB do not affect the voltage.
LaserPower16 This will occur when the laser output power changes. The payload contains all 16 bits.
LaserPower8 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 8 MSB bits. The payload contains the 8 MSB bits.
LaserPower4 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 4 MSB bits. The payload contains the 4 MSB bits.
LaserPower2 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 2 MSB bits. The payload contains the 2 MSB bits.
LaserPower1 This will occur when the laser output power changes its MSB bit. The payload contains the MSB bit.
Fps This will occur on every change of Fps. The payload size is one bit.
Gate This will occur on every change of Gate. The payload size is one bit.
Lm This will occur on every change of LM. The payload size is one bit.
LaserTriggered This will occur on every change of 'LaserTriggered'/>. The payload size is one bit.
StartMark This will occur on every change of StartMark. The payload size is one bit.
AbortMark This will occur on every change of AbortMark. The payload size is one bit.
Head0TxX This will occur whenever an X-frame is sent to Head0.

NB: This event occurs every 10us, even if position data have not changed.

Bits 19 to 0 of the payload contain the frame data. If bit 28 is set, the frame is a command frame, otherwise it is a position frame. The position data are interpreted as a 20-bit signed integer.

Head0TxY This will occur whenever a Y-frame is sent to Head0.

Further details as for Head0TxX

Head0TxZ This will occur whenever a Z-frame is sent to Head0.

Further details as for Head0TxX

Head0RxX This will occur when an X-frame is received from Head0.

When the XY2-100 interface is selected, this event occurs every 10us, regardless of whether a scan head is connected or not.

When the SL2-100 interface is selected, this event occurs at most every 10us, but will be omitted if no frame is received (e.g. no scan head is connected).

For detailed payload description, see "Bit Definitions" in 10.3 Serial Peripheral Interface.
Head0RxY This will occur when a Y-frame is received from Head0.

Further details as for Head0RxX

Head0RxZ This will occur when a Z-frame is received from Head0.

Further details as for Head0RxX

Head1TxX This will occur when an X-frame is sent to either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the ZoomZ axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system.
Head1TxY This will occur when a Y-frame is sent to either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the Auxiliary axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system (used e.g. by RAYDIME METER).
Head1TxZ This will occur when a Z-frame is sent to either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the SensorZ axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system (used e.g. by RAYSPECTOR).
Head1RxX This will occur when an X-frame is received from either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the ZoomZ axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system.
Head1RxY This will occur when a Y-frame is received from either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the Auxiliary axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system (used e.g. by RAYDIME METER).
Head1RxZ This will occur when a Z-frame is received from either
  • Head1 in a dual-head system,
  • the SensorZ axis of Head0 in a multi-axis system (used e.g. by RAYSPECTOR).
LaserPower0_16 This will occur when the laser output power changes. The payload contains all 16 bits.
LaserPower0_8 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 8 MSB bits. The payload contains the 8 MSB bits.
LaserPower0_4 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 4 MSB bits. The payload contains the 4 MSB bits.
LaserPower0_2 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 2 MSB bits. The payload contains the 2 MSB bits.
LaserPower0_1 This will occur when the laser output power changes its MSB bit. The payload contains the MSB bit.
LaserPower1_16 This will occur when the laser output power changes. The payload contains all 16 bits.
LaserPower1_8 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 8 MSB bits. The payload contains the 8 MSB bits.
LaserPower1_4 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 4 MSB bits. The payload contains the 4 MSB bits.
LaserPower1_2 This will occur when the laser output power changes its 2 MSB bits. The payload contains the 2 MSB bits.
LaserPower1_1 This will occur when the laser output power changes its MSB bit. The payload contains the MSB bit.
Spi0Rx This will occur when the SPI0 module received something.
Spi1Rx This will occur when the SPI1 module received something.
Spi2Rx This will occur when the SPI2 module received something.
Spi3Rx This will occur when the SPI3 module received something.
IOEvents This will occur on changes inside the IOEvents configuration register.
PositionEvents This will occur on changes inside the PositionEvents configuration register.
ControlEvents This will occur on changes inside the ControlEvents configuration register.
Label This will occur when a label that was added to the list gets executed. See Label for more details. Note that a label is 16 bits in size and left aligned in the 32 bit payload. Since one packed label event will always only contain one unpacking will not create two label events but shift the label to the first 16 bit of the payload.
TimerOverflow This event type is only used internally and will never be returned.
These events will only occur if the corresponding option is enabled using TraceBufferConfig and applying the configuration on the card using SetConfig(TraceBufferConfig).
See Also