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11.2 Running user applications on the card

The SP-ICE-3 Card allows end-users to run their own custom applications directly within the card's Linux environment.

It is also possible to start such programs automatically after the card has finished (re-)booting.

Danger  Warning!

Note that running a custom application directly on the SP-ICE-3 Card necessarily takes up Memory and CPU resources, and can have an adverse influence on list execution efficiency.
This is especially true if the custom application generates a high CPU load.

Installing custom application programs or scripts.

Custom application programs or scripts should be installed in the folder /home/spice3/bin on the SP-ICE-3 Card.
This location ensures that the programs will also survive a firmware update of the card.

  • Programs and script files can be transfered to the card using the SFTP protocol (SSH File Transfer Protocol) with username spice3 and password raylase.

  • Make sure that the programs are marked executable.

  • The SSH protocol with the same credentials may be use to open a terminal session to the card.
    Custom application programs and scripts can then executed at the command prompt.

The SP-ICE-3 Card has a .NET 5.0 run-time environment[Note 1] installed, allowing execution of .NET applications directly on the card.

RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll is also installed, enabling communication with the firmware using the familiar ClientAPI via the local-host address (IPv4:

Autostarting custom applications.
  • At the end of the boot process the SP-ICE-3 Card searches /home/spice3/autostart for scripts with file extension .start, and executes any that it finds.

  • Similary, any scripts with file extension .stop will be executed at the begining of a reboot or shutdown.

  • The scripts must be marked executable.

  • Please make sure that the scripts return within a reasonable time, otherwise the boot process of the card will never finish.

  • The scripts will be executed with normal user priviledges (userid spice3).

  1. Graphics capabilities are excluded: custom applications must be of type ".NET Console App".