11.2 Running user applications on the card |
The SP-ICE-3 Card allows end-users to run their own custom applications directly within the card's Linux environment.
It is also possible to start such programs automatically after the card has finished (re-)booting.
Note that running a custom application directly on the SP-ICE-3 Card necessarily takes up Memory and CPU resources, and can have an adverse influence on list execution efficiency. |
Custom application programs or scripts should be installed in the folder /home/spice3/bin on the SP-ICE-3 Card.
This location ensures that the programs will also survive a firmware update of the card.
Programs and script files can be transfered to the card using the SFTP protocol (SSH File Transfer Protocol) with username spice3 and password raylase.
Make sure that the programs are marked executable.
The SSH protocol with the same credentials may be use to open a terminal session to the card.
Custom application programs and scripts can then executed at the command prompt.
The SP-ICE-3 Card has a .NET 5.0 run-time environment[Note 1] installed, allowing execution of .NET applications directly on the card.
RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll is also installed, enabling communication with the firmware using the familiar ClientAPI via the local-host address (IPv4:
At the end of the boot process the SP-ICE-3 Card searches /home/spice3/autostart for scripts with file extension .start, and executes any that it finds.
Similary, any scripts with file extension .stop will be executed at the begining of a reboot or shutdown.
The scripts must be marked executable.
Please make sure that the scripts return within a reasonable time, otherwise the boot process of the card will never finish.
The scripts will be executed with normal user priviledges (userid spice3).
Graphics capabilities are excluded: custom applications must be of type ".NET Console App".