10.3.2 SPI Programming using the SpiAPI |
SPI Modules can be used to transfer arbitrary data under program control by calling the appropriate RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.SpiAPI methods.
Please refer to: 10.3.1 SPI Data Transfer Modes
Using SpiConfig the SPI output signals can be adjusted to different needs. Here are some sample configurations and the expected output signals.
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( CardIP ) ) { client.System.ResetToDefaults(); // // Configure Port A to output SPI Module 0 signals. // IODirection[] directions = client.Gpio.GetDirections( IOPort.PortA ); directions[0] = IODirection.Output; directions[1] = IODirection.Input; client.Gpio.SetDirections( IOPort.PortA, directions ); client.Gpio.SetIOLevel( IOPort.PortA, IOVoltage.ThreePointThree ); Polarity[] polarities = client.Gpio.GetPolarities( IOPort.PortA ); polarities[1] = polarities[2] = polarities[3] = polarities[11] = Polarity.ActiveHigh; client.Gpio.SetPolarities( IOPort.PortA, polarities ); int[] functions = client.Gpio.GetFunctions( IOPort.PortA ); functions[1] = // SPI0.SYNC functions[2] = // SPI0.CLK functions[3] = // SPI0.DO functions[11] = 3; // SPI0.DI client.Gpio.SetFunctions( IOPort.PortA, functions ); // // (Re-)Configure the SPI Module 0 signal parameters. // int module = 0; SpiConfig sc = client.Sfio.Spi.GetConfig(); SpiModule sm = sc.Modules[module]; sm.Enabled = true; sm.OutputSource = DataSource.Spi; sm.BitsPerWord = 8; sm.SpiSyncMode = SyncMode.MarkEndOfWord; sm.ClockPeriod = 0.09; sm.PostDelay = 0; sm.PreDelay = 0; sm.FrameDelay = 0; sc.Modules[module] = sm; client.Sfio.Spi.SetConfig( sc ); int timeoutMs = 10; uint[] command = new uint[] { 0xDB }; uint[] response = client.Sfio.Spi.Transceive( module, command, timeoutMs ); // // Do something useful with the response here. // }
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( CardIP ) ) { // // Configure PortA as shown above. // int module = 0; SpiConfig sc = client.Sfio.Spi.GetConfig(); sc.Modules[module].Enabled = true; sc.Modules[module].SpiSyncMode = SyncMode.MarkPostWord; client.Sfio.Spi.SetConfig( sc ); uint[] transmitMessage = new uint[] { 0xDB }; client.Sfio.Spi.Transmit( module, transmitMessage, false ); }
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( CardIP ) ) { // // Configure PortA as shown above. // int module = 0; SpiConfig sc = client.Sfio.Spi.GetConfig(); sc.Modules[module].Enabled = true; sc.Modules[module].SpiSyncMode = SyncMode.SyncPerWord; sc.Modules[module].PostDelay = 3; sc.Modules[module].PreDelay = 1.5; client.Sfio.Spi.SetConfig( sc ); int timeoutMs = 10; uint[] transmitMessage = new uint[] { 0xDB }; uint[] result = client.Sfio.Spi.Transceive( module, transmitMessage, timeoutMs ); }