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ListAPIWaitForProgress Method

Waits up to timeout for a Progress Event to be reported from the card.

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public bool WaitForProgress(
	out int? progressID,
	int? timeout = null


progressID  NullableInt32
The last progressID that was received.

This will be a value originally specified as the parameter of CommandListAppendProgress(Int32).

timeout  NullableInt32  (Optional)
(or omitted)
use the default timeout period specified by ClientAPITimeout
  -1wait indefinitely for the event
   0do not wait, simply check if an event has already been reported
 > 0timeout period in ms

Return Value

trueif an event is reported within the specified timeout period.
falsebut only if timeout== 0 and no event has occurred.

If timeout!= 0 and no event has occurred, a TimeoutException will be thrown.
TimeoutExceptionTimeout occurred before the event.
ThreadInterruptedExceptionThe wait was interrupted prematurely.
ListExecutionExceptionsee12.7 Exceptions and Errors
ExecutionExceptionsee12.7 Exceptions and Errors
FatalExceptionsee12.7 Exceptions and Errors
AbortedExceptionsee12.7 Exceptions and Errors
OutOfFieldExceptionsee12.7 Exceptions and Errors
  • Note that this function will throw a TimeoutException if no event is reported within the specified timeout period.

    Use TryWaitForProgress(NullableInt32, NullableInt32) if no exception is desired.

  • Waiting can be interrupted by calling InterruptWaitForProgress.

    Doing so will cause a ThreadInterruptedException.

  • Like all methods which involve communication with the card, this method is not thread-safe.
  • A progress event occurs when a PROGRESS_ID command within a list is executed by the firmware.
  • Note in particular that there is limit to the rate at which the card can report successive progress events: beyond this limit, excess events will simply be discarded.

    If your application inserts very many PROGRESS_ID s into its lists, it may not be able to rely on the occurrence of every single progress event in the sequence.

See Also