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Point4D Structure

Represents a 4 dimensional point.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public struct Point4D

The Point4D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDimensionsEquals 4.
Public propertyItem Gets or sets the coordinate of the axis specified by index.
Public propertyM The M-coordinate.
Public propertyMagnitude Returns the distance between this point and the zero point.
Public propertyX The X-coordinate.
Public propertyXY Returns the point's XY coordinates.
Public propertyXYZ Returns the point's XYZ coordinates.
Public propertyY The Y-coordinate.
Public propertyZ The Z-coordinate.
Public methodEquals(Object) Specifies whether this point contains the same coordinates as the specified object.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object))
Public methodEquals(Point4D) Specifies whether this point contains the same coordinates as the specified point.
Public methodStatic memberFromString Converts this point from a culture-invariant human-readable string, to the equivalent binary representation.
Public methodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode)
Public methodSetZero Set all values to zero
Public methodStatic memberToAxisString Returns a label of the specified axis.
Public methodToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString)
Public methodToString(Int32) Converts this point in a human-readable format showing its coordinates with the specified number of decimal digits, using a culture invariant representation.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Double, Point4D) Adds a scalar to all the coordinates of a point, and returns a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Point4D, Point4D) Adds the coordinates of two points, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Point4D, Double) Adds a scalar to all the coordinates of a point, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Double, Point4D) Divides the scalar by individual coordinates of a point, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Point4D, Point4D) Divides the individual axes of two points, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Point4D, Double) Divides all the coordinates of a point with a scalar, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality(Point4D, Point4D) Compares two points with each other, and returns true if all coordinates are equal.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality(Point4D, Point4D) Compares two points with each other, and returns true if at least one pair of coordinates are different.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, Point4D) Multiplies all the coordinates of a point with a scalar, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Point4D, Point4D) Multiplies the individual axes of two points, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Point4D, Double) Multiplies all the coordinates of a point with a scalar, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Double, Point4D) Subtracts all the coordinates of a point from a scalar, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Point4D, Point4D) Subtracts the coordinates of two points, and returns the result as a new point.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Point4D, Double) Subtracts a scalar from all the coordinates of a point, and returns the result as a new point.
Public fieldStatic memberZero Point initialized by zero for every axis.
See Also