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TraceBufferClient Methods

The TraceBufferClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcquire Reads all currently available events. Skips all events that occur before the start label. Remember that for this to work the desired events have to be enabled before TraceBufferConfig. At least Label has to be enabled. Events will only be received if Start was called before.
Public methodClear Clears currently available TraceEvent locally and on the card.
Public methodConnect Connect to the TraceBuffer-server on the SP-ICE-3 card
Public methodDisconnect Disconnects from the TraceBuffer server.
Public methodDispose Releases the Instance of this class.
Public methodGetConfig Gets the configuration from the card.
Public methodRead Reads a block of TraceEvent.
Public methodSetConfig Sets the configuration on the card.
Public methodStart Starts streaming from the card.
Public methodStop Stops streaming from the card.
Public methodStatic memberTickToMicroSecond Convert card ticks to μs
Public methodStatic memberToEventGroup Groups all events by their Timestamp. All events with the same Timestamp are stored in another dictionary with their EventType as key.
Public methodStatic memberToGroup Groups all events by their Timestamp. All events with the same Timestamp are stored in a list.
Public methodStatic memberToSignedPosition(Int64) Convert unsigned 20 bit position value received from the TraceBuffer to an signed position
Public methodStatic memberToSignedPosition(ListTraceEvent, Boolean) Converts the Value of all position events to a signed position.
Public methodTryRead Reads a block of TraceEvent.
See Also