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9.3.2 Marking Text

Once we have defined at least one font (see: 9.3.1 Defining Fonts), we can use it to mark text in various formats.

Using a font to Mark Text

  1. We define a command list to mark some text.

    Defining a CommandList for marking text.
    CommandList list = new CommandList();
    list.AppendJumpSpeed( 5 );
    list.AppendJumpDelay( 0 );
    list.AppendMarkSpeed( 2 );
    list.AppendMarkDelay( 0 );
    list.AppendPolyDelay( 0 );
    list.AppendLmFrequency( 1.0 / 50 );
    list.AppendLmWidth( 35 );
    list.AppendScalingFactor( 1, 1 );
    list.AppendJumpAbs( -25000, 5500 );
    list.AppendScalingFactor( 10, 10 );
    list.AppendMarkText( "01234" );
                # and send it to the card:
    client.List.Set( 11, list );
  2. Having defined command list, we are ready to select which font should be used when the list is executed.

    • For this example, we select font 0, which assume has been defined earlier (see: 9.3.1 Defining Fonts).

    Selecting the font for marking text.
    client.Font.SetActive( 0 );
  3. Now we can execute our command list which will mark the text string with the selected font.

    Marking the text.
    client.List.Execute( 11 );