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14.1.2 RAYLASE Protocol

The RAYLASE Protocol is based on the 14.1.1 Enhanced Protocol but extends it by allowing parameters of variable length.

Usage of the RAYLASE Protocol

The API does allow to either use TransceiveRaylase if an answer from the scanhead is expected or TransmitRaylase if not.

Transceiving using the RAYLASE Protocol:
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( myCardIP ) )

int timeoutMs = 500;
byte[] message = new byte[] { 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48 };
int head = 0;
byte[] answer =
client.ScannerCommunication.TransceiveRaylase( head, Axis.X, message, timeoutMs );

Console.Out.WriteLine( "Answer={0}",
string.Join( " ", answer.Select( n => string.Format( "[0x{0:X2}]", n ) ) ) );
catch ( TimeoutException e )
Console.WriteLine( "Could not receive an answer in the given timespan. {0}", e );