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Point3D Methods

The Point3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodAngleTo Computes the angle between this and other. Always returns 0 ≤ angle ≤ π.
Public methodStatic memberCentroid Returns the centroid of multiple points.
Public methodCrossProduct Computes the cross product between this (a, index finger) and other (middle finger), following the right-hand rule. Returns the normal (a × b, thumb).
Public methodDotProduct Computes the dot product between this and other.
Public methodEquals(Object) Specifies whether this point contains the same coordinates as the specified object.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object))
Public methodEquals(Point3D) Specifies whether this point contains the same coordinates as the specified point.
Public methodEquals(Point3D, Double) Specifies whether this point contains the same coordinates as the specified point.
Public methodStatic memberFromString Converts this point from a culture-invariant human-readable string, to the equivalent binary representation.
Public methodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode)
Public methodMidpoint Returns the midpoint between two points.
Public methodNormalize Normalises this vector into a unit vector of the same direction.
Public methodOpposes Whether other is of opposite direction of this, and with the same Magnitude. i.e. other is exactly negative of this.
Public methodScale Scales this point from origin by the given parameters.
Public methodStatic memberToAxisString Returns a label of the specified axis.
Public methodToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString)
Public methodToString(Int32) Converts this point in a human-readable format showing its coordinates with the specified number of decimal digits, using a culture invariant representation.
Public methodToString(String, String, IFormatProvider) Converts this point to a string of X, Y, and Z-value separated by separator.
See Also