Click or drag to resize Selecting Laser Delay Values

The LaserOnDelay, and LaserOffDelay properties must be given values which are appropriate for the application.

In particular, either or both of them may require adjustment when other processing parameters are changed (e.g. MarkSpeed, etc.)

Laser On Delay

The following symptoms indicate a badly adjusted LaserOnDelay value:

Laser On Delay Too Short.svg not found.
Laser On Delay Too Short

At the start of each Mark vector burn-in effects occur. Even though the scanners have not yet reached the required angular velocity, the laser has already been turned on.

Laser On Delay Too Long.svg not found.
Laser On Delay Too Long

The beginning of each Mark vector is missing because the laser has been switched on too late.

Laser Off Delay

The following symptoms indicate a badly adjusted LaserOffDelay value:

Laser Off Delay Too Short.svg not found.
Laser Off Delay Too Short

The Mark vector is not completely marked to the end because laser has been switched off before the scanners have reached their final position.

Laser Off Delay Too Long.svg not found.
Laser Off Delay Too Long

At the end point of each final Mark vector, a burn-in effect occurs. The laser has been switched off too late, possibly even after the scanners have stopped moving.