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Transform3D Class

Used to perform the standard geometrical transformations on the positions in 9.1.1 Straight Lines and Jumps. The matrix representation using "_A" is row-major.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.Utils.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public class Transform3D : IDisposable, 

The Transform3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodClear Resets this transformation matrix back to an identity matrix.
Public methodInverse Calculates the inverse of this transformation matrix.
Public methodRotateZ Rotates around the z-axis in a right-handed coordinate system.
Public methodScale(Point2D) Scales the matrix by the given values.
Public methodScale(Double, Double) Scales the matrix by the given values.
Public methodScale(Double, Double, Double) Scales the matrix by the given values.
Public methodSetIdentity Resets the matrix to an identity matrix.
Public methodTransform(Point3D) Performs a transformation.
Public methodTransform(Point3D) Performs a transformation.
Public methodTransform(Double, Double, Double) Performs a transformation.
Public methodTransformBack Transforms a point transformed by Transform(Point3D) back.
Public methodTranslate(Double, Double) Adds an offset to the current offset
Public methodTranslate(Double, Double, Double) Adds an offset to the current offset
See Also