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CorrectionFile Class

Allows creating and accessing correction files.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3 (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public class CorrectionFile : IDisposable

The CorrectionFile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDimensions Returns the dimensions of the correction file.
Public propertyHasExtraInfo Indicates if the underlying correction file contains additional information.
Public propertyHasMetadata Indicates if the underlying correction file contains additional information.
Public propertyHasScannerInfo Indicates if the underlying correction file contains additional scanner information.
Public propertyHeader Returns the header of the correction file.
Public propertySupportsMultipleTables Whether the payload has the extended format that allows to store more than one table
Public propertyTableCount How many tables are stored in this file.
Public methodAppendExtraInfo Appends additional information to the underlying correction file.
Public methodClose Close the open streams
Public methodCorrectionTable Get a BinaryReader for the raw correction table
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, OpticalParameters, IReadOnlyListStream, Boolean, String, ScannerInfo, DictionaryString, String) Creates a new correction file and adds several tables.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, OpticalParameters, Stream, Boolean, String, ScannerInfo, DictionaryString, String) Creates a new correction file.
Public methodGetExtraInfo Read additional information that are stored inside the underlying correction file.
Public methodGetInverse Calculates the inverse of this correction file. This can be useful to calculate scanner coordinates (in bits) back to user coordinates (in µm).
Public methodGetMetadata Read metadata that is stored inside the underlying correction file.
Public methodGetScannerInfo Read the additional ScannerInfo that can be stored inside the underlying correction file.
Public methodStatic memberOpenRead Opens an existing correction file in read-only mode.
Public methodStatic memberOpenWrite Opens an existing correction file in read-write mode.
Public methodPayloadToStream Copies the raw correction payload to a stream.
Public methodSetExtraInfo Write additional information to the underlying correction file.
Public methodToScanner(Point3D) Converts the user coordinates in µm to scanner coordinates in bit.
Public methodToScanner(Point4D) Converts the user coordinates in µm to scanner coordinates in bit.
Public fieldStatic memberFileExtension The file extension of correction files.
See Also