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5 Installation

The SP-ICE-3 Card can be installed in various locations: please refer to the links shown below for detailed procedures.

Once the card has been physically installed, you can use the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe) to check connectivity, and to perform the Configuration Procedures, if required.

Danger  Warning!

To avoid unexpected activation of the laser, always follow the power sequences described in 1.4.2 Safe System Power and Reboot Sequencing.



inserted in a PCIe-Slot within a Host-PC.

The card is powered via the PCIe slot.


connected indirectly to a Host-PC as part of an existing Ethernet network containing a DHCP server.

The card must be powered via X200 Power Supply.


connected to a single Host-PC using an Ethernet Cable, but not part of a larger network.

The card must be powered via X200 Power Supply.

Caution note  Caution
  • Always store the card in its original packaging in an electrostatically neutral environment.

  • Installation of the card must be performed at a work place conforming to local ESD Protection regulations.

    Follow the instructions in the User's Manual for the Host-PC when installing the card internally.

  • Do not touch the electrical contacts on the SP-ICE-3 Card.

  • Protect the card against humidity, dust, corrosive fumes, and mechanical stress.

See Also