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ScannerMonitoringConfig Class

Specifies the monitoring configuration for the scanhead(s).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3 (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.dll) Version: 3.4.1
public class ScannerMonitoringConfig

The ScannerMonitoringConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCommand The status query command that should be sent periodically to the scanhead.
Public propertyContinueOnError Indicates if monitoring should continue after an error. This means that errors will keep coming every Period * MinConsecutiveErrors milliseconds until the scanhead is back to normal operation.
Public propertyEnabled Enables or disables the monitoring process.
Public propertyGoodValue The value which indicates the scanhead is working correctly.
Public propertyMask Bit mask that indicates which bits of the response message should be used for comparison with the GoodValue.
Public propertyMinConsecutiveErrors An exception will only be thrown if the error condition persists over at least this number of consecutive responses from the scanhead.
Public propertyPeriod Period in milliseconds for sending the command.
Public propertyScanHeadAxes The axes per scanhead that should be monitored.
When monitoring is enabled, the card periodically sends a user-configurable status query command to the scanhead(s) using the Enhanced Protocol.

If the response from the scanhead(s) indicates an error condition, then a FatalException is thrown.

See Also