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Contains definitions used in common by the SP-ICE-3 Client Library and the Card's Firmware.
Public classAbortedException Execution has been aborted, either due to a hardware signal, or programmatically.
Public classAdapterBoardConfig Configuration used to describe and set up an adapter board. Nearly, all properties will be stored externally on the board's EERPOM if available./>
Public classAxisParameterSet Settings of one axis
Public classBadResponseException Thrown when a bad response is received on the serial port. This can happen when using SERIAL_PORT_TRANSCEIVE etc.
Public classCommand Represents a SP-ICE-3 command and its parameters.
Public classCommandValue Provides static functions and extensions to CommandValueType and CommandValueTypeAcronym.
Public classConfigBase Abstract base class for all configurations: uses an integer version number.
Public classConfigSet Container for a collection of configurations.
Public classCorrectionFile Allows creating and accessing correction files.
Public classEventConfig Container for event configuration parameters.
Public classEventStatus Container for configuring one event
Public classExecutionException An unexpected error condition has occurred during command execution.
Public classFatalException An unrecoverable error condition has occurred during command execution.
Public classFont Holds the definition of a font for use on the SP-ICE-3 Card.
Public classGpioConfig A collection of individual I/O Port configurations.
Public classInitializationException An unexpected error condition has occurred during initialization of the card.
Public classInverseCorrection Holds the inverse of a CorrectionFile.
Public classIOPinMapping Describes the available mappings for a single I/O pin.
Public classJumpAndShootItemT A single Pixel inside a JumpAndShoot path
Public classLaserConfig Container for laser source configuration parameters.
Public classListException An error occurred while generating or parsing a List.
Public classListExecutionException List execution could not be completed due to an error.
Public classListExecutionStats Container for list execution statistics.
Public classListLabelException The Label is not valid within the List.
Public classListNotFoundException The specified ListID could not be found during List execution.
Public classMotfConfig Configuration Parameters for Mark-On-The-Fly.
Public classMotfSource Selects source types and modules for Motf.
Public classNotConnectedException An attempt was made to communicate with a card for which no network connection is currently established.
Public classOpticalParameters Parameters used when generating the Field Distortion Correction File for a scan head.
Public classOutOfFieldException At least one of the axes has exceeded the limits of the field, after applying all transformations and field corrections.
Public classPortConfig The complete configuration data of a single I/O Port.
Public classPositions Container that holds the coordinates of the last position that was processed by the card including all intermediate coordinates from the different calculation and transformation steps.
Public classPowerOverflowException Thrown when a power overflow occurs. This can happen when using PowerCorrection/VelocityCorrection.
Public classProcessVariables Container for process variables.
Public classQuadratureDecoderConfig Container for the QuadratureDecoderModules, which can be used as MotF sources.
Public classQuadratureDecoderModule QuadratureDecoder module that can be used with MotF
Public classScanHeadConfig Container for scan head configuration parameters.
Public classScannerCommunicationException A problem occurred during communications with the scanners.
Public classScannerConfig Container for scanner configuration parameters.
Public classScannerInfo Extra scanner information that can be optionally included into the correction file
Public classScannerMonitoringConfig Specifies the monitoring configuration for the scanhead(s).
Public classScannerMonitoringException Scanner monitoring error has occurred.
Public classSerialPortConfig Container for serial port configuration parameters.
Public classSkyWritingSettings Settings used for sky writing.
Public classSpice3AppException The generic exception used for reporting problems from the "firmware" (RTB) back to the ClientLib.
Exceptions thrown inside the RTB are caught by the JSON-RPC layer, which then wraps them in a Spice3AppExecption before serializing them for transmission to the ClientLib.

The ClientLib then de-serializes the Spice3AppException, and throws it forwards.

Public classSpiConfig Container for SPI (serial peripheral interface) configuration parameters.
Public classSpiModule Configuration for a single SPI-Module.
Public classSupportedConfigVersion Helper to get the supported version of a configuration.
Public classSystemConfig Container for system configuration parameters.
Public classTimeZone Represents a timezone used for the SP-ICE-3 card timezone settings.
Public classTraceBufferConfig Container for traceBuffer configuration parameters.
Public classTraceBufferConfig0 Container for configuration settings of traceBuffer IO Events in TB register 0.
Public classTraceBufferConfig1 Container for configuration settings of traceBuffer Position Events in TB register 1.
Public classTraceBufferConfig2 Container for configuration settings of traceBuffer Power Events in TB register 2.
Public classTraceBufferConfig3 Container for configuration settings of traceBuffer Control Events in TB register 3.
Public classVersionMismatchException There is mis-match between ClientLib and Card Firmware version, or between Card Firmware and Adapter Board Firmware versions.
Public classWaitTimeoutException Thrown when a power overflow occurs. This can happen when using PowerCorrection/VelocityCorrection.
Public classWobbleSettings Settings for configuration of the wobble feature
Public classXForm Transformation matrix
Public interfaceIConfig Configuration interface
Public enumerationAxes Used to select a set of one or more scanner axes.
Public enumerationAxis Selector values for individual scanner axes.
Public enumerationCardDisposition Card installation locations.
Public enumerationCommandCode These are the names of the currently implemented command codes for the SP-ICE-3 Card.
Public enumerationCommandCodeAcronym These are the compact symbolic names of the native command codes which the SP-ICE-3 card understands.
Public enumerationCommandValueTypeAcronym Contains acronym of CommandValueTypes.
Public enumerationConfigSection Selector for configuration(s) inside in a ConfigSet.
Public enumerationDataSource Selector for the SPI output source.
Public enumerationEventType The configurable event-types.
Public enumerationFatalExceptionError Indicates the underlying error condition of a fatal exception.
Public enumerationIODirection The available I/O directions.
Public enumerationIOPort Selector values for the I/O Ports.
Public enumerationIOVoltage Available logic voltage levels: for PortA and PortB only.
Public enumerationLaserSignal Laser signal identifiers.
Public enumerationLaserStatus Laser status identifiers.
Public enumerationLAYERS Number of layers for 3D correction files
Public enumerationListStatus These are the symbolic names of the status for lists on the card.
Public enumerationMotfDistanceMode Modes for measuring the distance.
Public enumerationMotfOperatingMode Modes for operating mark-on-the-fly.
Public enumerationMotfSourceType Type of source that is used for the MainSource and the CompensationSource
Public enumerationOperatingState Symbolic names for operating state of the card's firmware.
Public enumerationOrder Byte order.
Public enumerationPinAction Defines how an associated mask-value is to be applied to a given set of I/O Pins.
Public enumerationPolarity Logic polarities for GPIO Pins.
Public enumerationPowerChannels Selector for Power Target Channels supported by the card.
Public enumerationPowerTarget Power targets supported by the card.
Public enumerationScanHeadFlags Flags used to define the ScanHeadFormat
Public enumerationScanHeadFormat Available scanhead formats.
Public enumerationSfr0Bits Bit masks for access to input signal states assigned to Sfr0.

Refer to 10.2 Special Function Registers for more details.

Public enumerationSfr1Bits Bit masks for access to input signal states assigned to Sfr1.

Refer to 10.2 Special Function Registers for more details.

Public enumerationSfRegister Selector values for the Special Function Registers.

Refer to 10.2 Special Function Registers for more details.

Public enumerationSkyWritingMode Specifies where sky-writing extension vectors should be generated.
Public enumerationSyncMode Selector for SPI sync mode.