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1.4.4 Intended Use

Caution note  Caution
  • The SP-ICE-3 Card may be used only in an industrial environment. The card is expected to be installed in machines (usually some kind of laser system), and does not meet all requirements for off-the-shelf consumer products.

  • Operate the SP-ICE-3 Card only after it has been installed in a machine which meets the requirements of all appropriate national guidelines and norms.

  • The SP-ICE-3 Card may not be used:

    • as a child's toy

    • in a consumer environment

    • under unsuitable conditions (e.g. outdoors)

  • Appropriate precautionary measures against such misuse must be taken by the end user.

  • Installation and operation may be carried out only by sufficiently qualified persons who have been trained in safe handling procedures for electrically powered devices.

    Before attempting to install or service the SP-ICE-3 Card, you must switch off the associated Laser System: refer to 1.4.2 Safe System Power and Reboot Sequencing.

Note  Note
  • The SP-ICE-3 Card is a Class A device, and can cause RF interference to domestic receivers, etc.
    The owner or user of the receiver may be able to demand that steps are taken to reduce or eliminate such interference.

  • The SP-ICE-3 Card does not support energy-saving modes which cause the power supply rails of the PCIe bus to be switched off.

  • Any such standby, sleep, or hibernate modes should be de-activated on the Host-PC.

See Also