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1.4.2 Safe System Power and Reboot Sequencing

Danger  Warning!

  • The SP-ICE-3 Card's output ports can change state unexpectedly during any of the following sequences:

    • while the card is being powered up;

    • while the card is being powered down;

    • while the card is being rebooted.

  • Consequently, the system power and reboot sequences described below MUST be followed to prevent the laser being activated unexpectedly and causing potentially grave personal injury.

    In particular:

    • the Scan System must always be switched on after the Host-PC and control software have been started or rebooted;

    • the Laser Source must always be switched on last, after all other system components have been started or rebooted;

    • the Laser Source must always be switched off first , before any other system components are stopped or rebooted;

    • the Scan System must always be switched off before the Host-PC and control software are stopped or rebooted.

    Otherwise, the laser beam may be activated at an unexpected and potentially dangerous position. Power-Up Sequence.

To avoid unexpected and dangerous activation of the laser, always follow this power-up sequence for the components of a complete Laser System:

  1. First switch on

  2. Next switch on

    • any necessary peripheral devices.

  3. Then switch on

    • the power supply for the Scan System.

  4. Finally switch on

    • the Laser Source. Power-Down Sequence.

When switching off the components of a complete Laser System, the power-down sequence should be the exact reverse of the power-up sequence:

  1. First switch off

    • the Laser Source.

  2. Next switch off

    • the power supply for the Scan System.

  3. Then switch off

    • any necessary peripheral devices.

  4. Finally switch off Card Reboot Sequence.

If it should be necessary to reboot the SP-ICE-3 Card without cycling its power supply, the following sequence must be observed:

  1. First switch off

    • the Laser Source.

  2. Next switch off

    • the power supply for the Scan System.

  3. Then switch off

    • any necessary peripheral devices.

  4. Now reboot the SP-ICE-3 Card

  5. Then switch on

    • any necessary peripheral devices.

  6. Then switch on

    • the power supply for the Scan System.

  7. Finally switch on

    • the Laser Source.

See Also