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OpticalParameters Class

Parameters used when generating the Field Distortion Correction File for a scan head.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3 (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public class OpticalParameters : ConfigBase

The OpticalParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodOpticalParameters Creates a new OpticalParameters configuration, initialized by its default values.
Public propertyAperture Sets or gets the aperture.
Public propertyBitPerMicronE0 Sets/Gets the bits per micron for Z0
Public propertyBitPerMicronE1 Sets/Gets the bits per micron for E1
Public propertyBitPerMicronZ0 Sets/Gets the bits per micron for Z0
Public propertyBitPerMicronZ1 Sets/Gets the bits per micron for Z1
Public propertyFieldOffset Sets/Gets the field offset.
Public propertyFieldSize Sets/Gets the field size.
Public propertyFocalLength Sets/Gets the focal length
Public propertyHash Sets/Gets a hash
Public propertyHeadFormat Sets/Gets the ScanHeadFormat
Public propertyInputOffset Sets/Gets the input offset, which applies to the normalised [-0.5..0.5] range before computing the table index.

Note that this field is not hashed.

Public propertyInputScale Sets/Gets the input scale, which applies to the normalised [-0.5..0.5] range before computing the table index.

Note that this field is not hashed.

Public propertyMaxAngleX Sets/Gets the maximum angle for the X-axis
Public propertyMaxAngleY Sets/Gets the maximum angle for the Y-axis
Public propertyMaxLensTravel Sets/Gets the maximum lens travel.
Public propertyMaxMagnification Sets/Gets the maximum spot magnification
Public propertyMinorVersion Sets/Gets the minor version for identification of the CorrectionFile format.
Public propertyMLayers Sets/Gets the number of M-layers (for the spot magnification)
Public propertyO2X Distance between objective and x mirror
Public propertyUsedAxes Sets/Gets the Axes used inside the correction file.
Public propertyWavelength Sets/Gets the wavelength
Public propertyWorkingDistance Sets/Gets the working distance
Public propertyX2Y Distance between x and y mirror.
Public propertyXLayers Sets/Gets the number of X-layers
Public propertyY2Z0 Distance between working field and y mirror.
Public propertyYLayers Sets/Gets the number of Y-layers
Public propertyZLayers Sets/Gets the number of Z-layers
Public methodClone 
Public methodGetHashCode Calculates a unique hash of the values stored in this class excluding Hash
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
See Also