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AdapterBoardConfig Properties

The AdapterBoardConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoardVersion Version of this adapter board.
Public propertyCardID ID to identify the type of the adapter board.
Public propertyConfig The PortConfig to be applied to Port. Note: It's a short-cut to the first element in PortConfigCollection
Public propertyFpgaVersion Version of this adapter boards FPGA-image if there is one.
Public propertyName Name to identify this configuration (not stored in the adapter board's EEPROM).
Public propertyPort The IOPort associated with to the Config. Note: It's a short-cut to the first element in PortConfigCollection
Public propertyPortConfigCollection The definitions for all available IOPorts and their corresponding PortConfigs.
Public propertyVendorID ID of the card's vendor.
See Also