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MotfConfig Properties

The MotfConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompensationDirection Gets or sets the normalized direction vector of the compensation decoder relative to the field.
Public propertyCompensationSource Gets or sets the compensation source selector.
Public propertyDebounceTime Gets or sets the time during which transitions on the part sensor input are ignored after an initial transition that registers the part.

This parameter is effective only when EnableDebounce is set to true.

Public propertyEnableDebounce Enables or disables debouncing of the part sensor input.
Public propertyEnableSuppression Enables or disables suppressing events on the part sensor for a specific SuppressionDistance.
Public propertyMainDirection Gets or sets the normalized direction vector of the main decoder relative to the field.
Public propertyMainSource Gets or sets the main source selector.
Public propertyOffset Gets or sets the offset between the conveyor belt's reference and the part's reference.
Public propertyPartDistance Gets or sets the distance between the part sensor position and the desired marking position.
Public propertyResponseTime Gets or sets the part sensor response time. This is between the time the part sensor is triggered and the signal arrives the part sensor input of the card.
Public propertySuppressionDistance Gets or sets the distance during which transitions on the part sensor input are ignored after an initial transition that registers the part.

This parameter is effective only when EnableSuppression is set to true.

Public propertyUseCompensation Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the CompensationSource is enabled.
See Also