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MarkCounterAPI Methods

The MarkCounterAPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreate Creates a mark counter with the specified name on the card.
Public methodDelete Deletes the referenced mark counter on the card.
Public methodExists Checks whether the referenced variable exists on the card.
Public methodGetAndResetValue Gets the current value of the referenced mark counter from the card, and then resets the counter to zero.
Public methodGetStoredNames Returns a list of all mark counters that are currently stored on the card's local storage.
Public methodGetValue Retrieves the current value of the referenced mark counter from the card.
Public methodLoad Loads the referenced mark counter from the card's local storage.
Public methodSetValue Sets the current value of the referenced mark counter on the card.
Public methodStore Stores the referenced mark counter in the card's local storage for later (re-)loading.
See Also