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RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib Namespace

Contains all the major components of the SP-ICE-3 Client Library API.
Public classAdapterBoardAPI Provides access to AdapterBoard operations.
Public classBooleanVariableAPI Provides access to boolean variables, which can be created and stored on the card. Furthermore, they can be retrieved and/or modified via control commands, and be referenced by various flow-control list commands.
Public classCardInfo Contains identifying data for a discovered card.
Public classClientAPI Defines the API available to SP-ICE-3 Card client applications.

It encapsulates in particular:

  • Communications handling.
  • Command List handling.
  • Laser and Scan Head configuration.
  • Command List Execution control.
  • Status and Error reporting.
Public classClientLibExtensions Various useful extension methods for the SP-ICE-3 Client Library.
Public classCode exampleCommandList Used to build the contents of a CommandList locally, before transmitting it to the card for execution.
  • The contents consist of one or more SP-ICE-3 Commands, each accompanied by any appropriate parameters.
  • The contents must be transmitted to the card () before they can be executed.
See 12.5 Command Lists for more details.
Public classConfigurationAPI Provides access to operations that allow working with sets of configurations.
Public classEventAPI Provides access to List handling operations.
Public classFontAPI Provides access to Font handling operations.
Public classGpioAPI Provides access to GPIO operations.
Public classHeadCorrectionAPI Provides access to HeadCorrection operations.
Public classIntegerVariableAPI Provides access to integer variables, which can be created and stored on the card. Furthermore, they can be retrieved and/or modified via control commands, and be referenced by various flow-control list commands.
Public classLaserAPI Provides access to Laser handling operations.
Public classListAPI Provides access to CommandList handling operations.
Public classMarkCounterAPI Provides access to the Mark Counter facilities.
Public classMotfAPI Provides access to MOTF operations.
Public classPowerCorrectionAPI Provides access to PowerCorrection operations.
Public classProcessAPI Provides access to process variables.
Public classQuadratureDecoderAPI Provides access to Quadrature Decoder operations.
Public classScannerAPI Provides access to Scanner handling operations.
Public classScannerCommunicationAPI Provides access to Scanner communication operations.
Public classSerialPortAPI Provides access to SerialPort handling operations.
Public classSfioAPI Provides access to SFIO (Special-Function-Input-Output) operations.
Public classSpiAPI Provides access to SPI handling operations.
Public classSpice3API Base of all specialized API classes.
Public classSystemAPI Provides access to System handling operations.
Public classVariableAPI Provides access to variables used during conditional list processing.