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8.4.2 "Mark-In-Progress" Signal Emulation

A hardware signal, traditionally named Mark-In-Progress (MIP), has been made available by RAYLASE GmbH Controller Cards since time immemorial, and has been used for a variety of application dependent signalling purposes.

Very often, it was used to notify other hardware components within a system (for example: an SPS controller) of some marker-related activity:

MIP State



a marking (or similar) operation is now in progress (or will be started "very soon")


the operation has ( or will presently have ) finished.

Alternative, application specific uses for the MIP signal were not uncommon. In some cases, it was appropriate to control some piece of equipment directly - perhaps a shutter, or some kind of handling device. In others, the MIP signal could be used to indicate the beginning and end of an entire job sequence, or of each item within a sequence.

In all cases, however, there was only one MIP signal available, whatever its actual function might be in a given application context.

In its traditional form:

  • the MIP signal was always assigned to a single, pre-defined connector/pin.

  • it was exclusively under explicit software control: the signal was not controlled by the card's Marking Engine. Its current state was set by writing an appropriate bit-pattern to a particular I/O port register, either via a generic "WritePort" API function, or via the equivalent list command - there were no special "SetMIP" or ""ResetMIP" commands or functions in the API.

  • its significance could vary, even within a particular application.

Emulation of MIP signal(s) on the SP-ICE-3 Card.

A GPIO signal can be used to emulate MIP on the SP-ICE-3 Card.

Control Method

Typical Usage

By use of GPIO Commands within Command Lists.

A particular markable object is currently being processed.

via methods of the GpioAPI.

A complete job sequence is being processed.

  • Almost any available GPIO signal [Note 1] may be selected to effect whatever kind of MIP signalling seems appropriate for the application.

  • X907 Laser Pin 4 represents a special case, however, since it may be used either

  • More than one GPIO signal may be used simultaneously.

How to use a GPIO signal to emulate the traditional MIP.

This example shows one way to implement MIP for a single markable object contained within a single CommandList.

For this illustration, we choose PortA, Pin1 (bit PA.0) to act as our MIP signal.

For the pin-out of PortA, please refer to X903 PortA.

Example: programmatic MIP emulation
// NB: we assume the existence of a variable called CardIP,
// which contains the IP address of our card.

using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( CardIP ) )

    //** Optional GPIO configuration.
    //** Only necessary if not already performed elsewhere
    //** (using the SPICE3Config tool, for instance).

    // Get the current GPIO configuration from the card:
    GpioConfig gpioConfig = client.Gpio.GetConfig();

    // For convenience, use a reference to the port configuration for PortA:
    PortConfig portA = gpioConfig.Ports[IOPort.PortA];

    // Make sure that Pin 1 (which is in Direction Group 0) is available as an output:
    portA.Directions[0] = IODirection.Output;

    // send the complete GPIO configuration, including the new port configuration for PortA, back to the card.
    client.Gpio.SetConfig( gpioConfig );

    //** End of optional GPIO configuration.

    // Now create a CommandList to hold our "markable object":
    int listID = 0;

    // We set process parameters in the preamble to the "markable object":
    CommandList list = new CommandList();
    list.AppendJumpSpeed( 2 );
    list.AppendJumpDelay( 0 );
    list.AppendMarkSpeed( 1 );
    list.AppendMarkDelay( 0 );
    list.AppendLmFrequency( 0.08 );
    list.AppendLmWidth( 0.5 );

    // Define a bit-mask which selects Pin1 on PortA:
    const int portA_MIP_BitMask = 0x1;  // bit PA.0

    // And now, the Main Event!
    // Switch on MIP immediately before the start of the "markable object",
    // using PinAction.Set:
    list.AppendGpioValue( IOPort.PortA, PinAction.Set, portA_MIP_BitMask );

    // Define the "markable object" itself (and what a very simple one it is, too!) :
    list.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
        list.AppendMarkAbs( 1000, 1000 );
        list.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );

    // Finally: switch off "MIP" straight after the end of the "markable object",
    // using PinAction.Clear:
    list.AppendGpioValue( IOPort.PortA, PinAction.Clear, portA_MIP_BitMask );

    client.List.Set( listID, list );
    client.List.Execute( listID );

    int? listDoneID;
    client.List.WaitForListDone( out listDoneID );
  1. Within reason, that is.