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PortConfig Methods

The PortConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetGroupCount Gets the number of pin-groups implemented on the specified IO port.
Public methodStatic memberGetPinCount Gets the total number of pins implemented on the specified port.
Public methodStatic memberGetPinsPerGroup Gets the number of pins in each pin-group of the specified port.
Public methodStatic memberGetSupportedDirections Gets an array of the IO directions supported by the specified port.
Public methodStatic memberGetSupportedIOLevels Gets an array of IO levels (voltages) supported by the specified port.
Public methodStatic memberHasWriteSignal Returns a flag that indicates whether the specified IO port provides a "Write" signal (which could be employed to control an external latch).
Public methodStatic memberLoad Loads a new configuration instance from the specified file.
Public methodSave Saves the configuration to the specified file. If the specified file exists, this method overwrites it.
See Also