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SerialPortConfig Properties

The SerialPortConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaudRate Line speed of the serial port.
Public propertyDataBits Number of data bits used in the serial port protocol.
Public propertyEnabled Whether the serial port is enabled
Public propertyHandshake Flow control method used in the serial port protocol.
Public propertyNewLine The message terminator sequence used for line-oriented text messages when reading from or writing to the serial port.

Note that it is only applied automatically to messages sent using the following commands and methods:

Public propertyParity Parity setting of the serial port.
Public propertyReadTimeout Timeout period in ms used when reading from the serial port.
Public propertyStopBits Number of stop bits used in the serial port protocol.
Public propertyWriteTimeout Timeout period in ms used when writing to the serial port.
See Also