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10.3.3 SPI Programming via CommandLists

SPI Modules can be used to transmit arbitrary data from commands in a CommandList.

Please refer to: 10.3.1 SPI Data Transfer Modes

Programming Example
Transmit data from List Commands.
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( CardIP ) )

    // Configure Port A to output SPI Module 0 signals.

    IODirection[] directions = client.Gpio.GetDirections( IOPort.PortA );
    directions[0] = IODirection.Output;
    directions[1] = IODirection.Input;
    client.Gpio.SetDirections( IOPort.PortA, directions );

    client.Gpio.SetIOLevel( IOPort.PortA, IOVoltage.ThreePointThree );

    Polarity[] polarities = client.Gpio.GetPolarities( IOPort.PortA );
    polarities[1] =
    polarities[2] =
    polarities[3] =
    polarities[11] = Polarity.ActiveHigh;
    client.Gpio.SetPolarities( IOPort.PortA, polarities );

    int[] functions = client.Gpio.GetFunctions( IOPort.PortA );
    functions[1] =     // SPI0.SYNC
    functions[2] =     // SPI0.CLK
    functions[3] =     // SPI0.DO
    functions[11] = 3; // SPI0.DI
    client.Gpio.SetFunctions( IOPort.PortA, functions );

    // (Re-)Configure the SPI Module 0 signal parameters.
    int module = 0;
    SpiConfig sc = client.Sfio.Spi.GetConfig();
    SpiModule sm = sc.Modules[module];

    sm.Enabled = true;
    sm.BitsPerWord = 32;
    sm.OutputSource = DataSource.SpiListCommand;
    sm.SpiSyncMode = SyncMode.MarkEndOfWord;
    sm.ClockPeriod = 0.09;
    sm.PostDelay = 0;
    sm.PreDelay = 0;
    sm.FrameDelay = 0;

    sc.Modules[module] = sm;
    client.Sfio.Spi.SetConfig( sc );

    // Prepare and transmit a message.
    uint[] transmitMessage = new uint[] { 0x9999FFFF, 0x8888AAAA };

    CommandList cl = new CommandList();
    cl.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );
    cl.AppendSpiWrite( module, transmitMessage[0] );
    cl.AppendMarkAbs( 10000, 10000 );
    cl.AppendSpiWrite( module, transmitMessage[1] );
    cl.AppendMarkAbs( 10000, -10000 );
    cl.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );
    client.List.Set( 0, cl );
    int? id;
    client.List.Execute( 0 );
    client.List.WaitForListDone( out id, 500 );
See Also