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ClientAPI Class

Defines the API available to SP-ICE-3 Card client applications.

It encapsulates in particular:

  • Communications handling.
  • Command List handling.
  • Laser and Scan Head configuration.
  • Command List Execution control.
  • Status and Error reporting.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public class ClientAPI : IDisposable

The ClientAPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodClientAPI Initializes a new instance of the ClientAPI class.
Public methodClientAPI(CardInfo) Create a new ClientAPI instance with a connection to the card at the address contained in the given cardInfo.
Public methodClientAPI(String, Int32) Create a new ClientAPI instance with a connection to the card at the given cardAddress.
Public propertyAdapterBoard Provides access to AdapterBoard handling operations.
Public propertyAddress Get the address of the current remote endpoint if connected.
Public propertyConfiguration Provides access to Configuration operations.
Public propertyConnected Gets a flag indicating whether this instance has an active (open) connection to the card.
Public propertyFont Provides access to Font handling operations.
Public propertyGpio Provides access to GPIO handling operations.
Public propertyHeadCorrection Provides access to HeadCorrection operations.
Public propertyLaser Provides access to Laser handling operations.
Public propertyList Provides access to List handling operations.
Public propertyMotf Provides access to MOTF operations.
Public propertyPowerCorrection Provides access to PowerCorrection operations.
Public propertyProcess Provides access to Process Variable handling operations.
Public propertyScanner Provides access to Scanner operations.
Public propertyScannerCommunication Provides access to ScannerCommunication operations.
Public propertySerialPort Provides access to the Serial Port operations.
Public propertySfio Provides access to the SFIO (Special-Function-Input-Output) operations.
Public propertySystem Provides access to System operations.
Public propertyTimeout Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds that elapsed before a timeout error is generated
Public propertyVariables Provides access to variable handling operations.
Public methodConnect(CardInfo) Connects to the card identified by card.
Public methodConnect(String, Int32) Connects to the card identified by its hostNameOrAddresshostname or IPAddress.
Public methodDisableLog Deactivates logging the communication between this client connection and the card.
Public methodDisconnect Disconnects this instance from the currently connected card.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover Discovers cards on the network using the UPnP SSDP protocol, and returns a list of those discovered.
Public methodStatic memberDiscoverByPinging Discovers cards on the network by pinging the card's expected IP address based on its serial number, and returns a list of those discovered.
Public methodDispose Close all open connections and dispose.
Public methodEnableLog(String, Int32) Activates logging the communication between this client connection and the card.
Public methodEnableLog(TextWriter, Int32, Boolean) Activates logging the communication between this client connection and the card.
Public methodStatic memberPredictIPAddressFromSerialNumber Predicts the card's IP address from its serial number.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPort Indicates the default TCP port of the Spice3 interface.
See Also