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SystemAPI Methods

The SystemAPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCardSerialNumber Gets the SP-ICE-3 Card's Serial Number (from the EEPROM).
Public methodGetConfig Gets the current configuration from the card.
Public methodGetConnectionLimit Returns the maximum number of simultaneous connections from different IP addresses (different client computers).
Public methodGetFirmwareProductVersion Gets the Firmware Image Product Version of the currently running Image.
Public methodGetFirmwareVersion Gets the Firmware Image Version of the currently running Image.
Public methodGetFpgaVersion Gets the FPGA Version of the currently running Firmware Image.
Public methodGetOperatingState triggered by a ScannerMonitoring error.
Public methodGetOSVersion Gets the Operating System Version of the currently running Firmware Image.
Public methodGetSupportedTimeZones List of all timezones supported by the SP-ICE-3 card.
Public methodGetTime Gets the (date-and-)time from the card using the configured timezone.
Public methodGetUniversalTime Gets the system (date-and-)time from the card as UTC.
Public methodLoadConfig Loads the current configuration from the card's local storage.
Public methodResetOperatingState Clears the error state that has been triggered by a ScannerMonitoring error.
Public methodResetToDefaults Resets all Process Variables and Configurations to their default values.
Public methodSetConfig Sets the current configuration on the card.
Public methodCode exampleSetSystemTime Sets the system (date-and-)time on the card.
Public methodStoreConfig Stores the current configuration in the card's local storage for later (re-)loading.
See Also