Member name | Description |
BisNone |
BisPortA |
Port A
BisPortB |
Port B
BisPortC |
Port C
BisPortDlow |
Port D Low
BisPortDhigh |
Port D High
BisPortElow |
Port E Low
BisPortEhigh |
Port E High
BisPortLaserIn |
Port Laser In
BisPortLaserIn0 |
Port Laser In 0
BisPortLaserIn1 |
Port Laser In 1
BisPortLaserOut |
Port Laser Out
BisPortLaserOut0 |
Port Laser Out 0
BisPortLaserOut1 |
Port Laser Out 1
BisPortLaserOut2 |
Port Laser Out 2
BisDac0 |
Dac 0
BisDac1 |
Dac 1
BisLaserPower16 |
Laser Power 16-bit
BisLaserPower8 |
Laser Power 8-bit
BisLaserPower4 |
Laser Power 4-bit
BisLaserPower2 |
Laser Power 2-bit
BisLaserPower1 |
Laser Power 1-bit
BisFps |
BisGate |
BisLm |
BisLaserTriggered |
Laser Triggered
BisStartMark |
Start Mark
BisAbortMark |
Abort Mark
BisHead0TxX |
Head 0 Tx X
BisHead0TxY |
Head 0 Tx Y
BisHead0TxZ |
Head 0 Tx Z
BisHead0RxX |
Head 0 Rx X
BisHead0RxY |
Head 0 Rx Y
BisHead0RxZ |
Head 0 Rx Z
BisHead1TxX |
Head 1 Tx X
BisHead1TxY |
Head 1 Tx Y
BisHead1TxZ |
Head 1 Tx Z
BisHead1RxX |
Head 1 Rx X
BisHead1RxY |
Head 1 Rx Y
BisHead1RxZ |
Head 1 Rx Z
BisSpi0Rx |
Spi 0 Rx
BisSpi1Rx |
Spi 1 Rx
BisSpi2Rx |
Spi 2 Rx
BisSpi3Rx |
Spi 3 Rx
BisLabel |
BisStatusWordRx0X |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStatusWordRx0Y |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStatusWordRx0Z |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStatusWordRx0ZoomZ |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStatusWordRx0Auxiliary |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStatusWordRx0SensorZ |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStatusWordRx1X |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStatusWordRx1Y |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStatusWordRx1Z |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStatusWordRx1ZoomZ |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStatusWordRx1Auxiliary |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStatusWordRx1SensorZ |
XY2-100 Enhanced status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisCurrentPositionRx0X |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisCurrentPositionRx0Y |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisCurrentPositionRx0Z |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisCurrentPositionRx0ZoomZ |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisCurrentPositionRx0Auxiliary |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisCurrentPositionRx0SensorZ |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisCurrentPositionRx1X |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisCurrentPositionRx1Y |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisCurrentPositionRx1Z |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisCurrentPositionRx1ZoomZ |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisCurrentPositionRx1Auxiliary |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisCurrentPositionRx1SensorZ |
Current position of the scanner axis as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisTargetPositionRx0X |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisTargetPositionRx0Y |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisTargetPositionRx0Z |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisTargetPositionRx0ZoomZ |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisTargetPositionRx0Auxiliary |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisTargetPositionRx0SensorZ |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisTargetPositionRx1X |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisTargetPositionRx1Y |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisTargetPositionRx1Z |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisTargetPositionRx1ZoomZ |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisTargetPositionRx1Auxiliary |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisTargetPositionRx1SensorZ |
Last commanded position for galvo as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisPositionErrorRx0X |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisPositionErrorRx0Y |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisPositionErrorRx0Z |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisPositionErrorRx0ZoomZ |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionErrorRx0Auxiliary |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionErrorRx0SensorZ |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisPositionErrorRx1X |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisPositionErrorRx1Y |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisPositionErrorRx1Z |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisPositionErrorRx1ZoomZ |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionErrorRx1Auxiliary |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionErrorRx1SensorZ |
(TargetPosition - CurrentPosition) as [16|18]-bit signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisOutputCurrentRx0X |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisOutputCurrentRx0Y |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisOutputCurrentRx0Z |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisOutputCurrentRx0ZoomZ |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisOutputCurrentRx0Auxiliary |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisOutputCurrentRx0SensorZ |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisOutputCurrentRx1X |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisOutputCurrentRx1Y |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisOutputCurrentRx1Z |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisOutputCurrentRx1ZoomZ |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisOutputCurrentRx1Auxiliary |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisOutputCurrentRx1SensorZ |
Output current to galvo in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0X |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0Y |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0Z |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0ZoomZ |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0Auxiliary |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx0SensorZ |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1X |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1Y |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1Z |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1ZoomZ |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1Auxiliary |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRelativeOutputCurrentRx1SensorZ |
Output current to galvo in ppt relative to 10A as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisCurrentVelocityRx0X |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisCurrentVelocityRx0Y |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisCurrentVelocityRx0Z |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisCurrentVelocityRx0ZoomZ |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisCurrentVelocityRx0Auxiliary |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisCurrentVelocityRx0SensorZ |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisCurrentVelocityRx1X |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisCurrentVelocityRx1Y |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisCurrentVelocityRx1Z |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisCurrentVelocityRx1ZoomZ |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisCurrentVelocityRx1Auxiliary |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisCurrentVelocityRx1SensorZ |
Current angular velocity of galvo in bit/ms as signed value , Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0X |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0Y |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0Z |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0ZoomZ |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0Auxiliary |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisGalvoTemperatureRx0SensorZ |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1X |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1Y |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1Z |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1ZoomZ |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1Auxiliary |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisGalvoTemperatureRx1SensorZ |
Temperature of galvo in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0X |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0Y |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0Z |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0ZoomZ |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0Auxiliary |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx0SensorZ |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1X |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1Y |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1Z |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1ZoomZ |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1Auxiliary |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisServoBoardTemperatureRx1SensorZ |
Temperature on servo board in °C/10 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisPdagcvoltageRx0X |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisPdagcvoltageRx0Y |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisPdagcvoltageRx0Z |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisPdagcvoltageRx0ZoomZ |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisPdagcvoltageRx0Auxiliary |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisPdagcvoltageRx0SensorZ |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisPdagcvoltageRx1X |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisPdagcvoltageRx1Y |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisPdagcvoltageRx1Z |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisPdagcvoltageRx1ZoomZ |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisPdagcvoltageRx1Auxiliary |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisPdagcvoltageRx1SensorZ |
Position detector AGC voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0X |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0Y |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0Z |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0ZoomZ |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0Auxiliary |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisDspcoreVoltageRx0SensorZ |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1X |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1Y |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1Z |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1ZoomZ |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1Auxiliary |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisDspcoreVoltageRx1SensorZ |
DSP core voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisDspiovoltageRx0X |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisDspiovoltageRx0Y |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisDspiovoltageRx0Z |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisDspiovoltageRx0ZoomZ |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisDspiovoltageRx0Auxiliary |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisDspiovoltageRx0SensorZ |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisDspiovoltageRx1X |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisDspiovoltageRx1Y |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisDspiovoltageRx1Z |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisDspiovoltageRx1ZoomZ |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisDspiovoltageRx1Auxiliary |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisDspiovoltageRx1SensorZ |
DSP IO voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0X |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0Y |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0Z |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0ZoomZ |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0Auxiliary |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx0SensorZ |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1X |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1Y |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1Z |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1ZoomZ |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1Auxiliary |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisAnalogSupplyVoltageRx1SensorZ |
Analog section supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0X |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0Y |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0Z |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0ZoomZ |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0Auxiliary |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx0SensorZ |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1X |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1Y |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1Z |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1ZoomZ |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1Auxiliary |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisMainSupplyVoltageRx1SensorZ |
Main (SS-IV, SS-V) or ADC (SS-III) supply voltage in V/100 as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisPdagccurrentRx0X |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisPdagccurrentRx0Y |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisPdagccurrentRx0Z |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisPdagccurrentRx0ZoomZ |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisPdagccurrentRx0Auxiliary |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisPdagccurrentRx0SensorZ |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisPdagccurrentRx1X |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisPdagccurrentRx1Y |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisPdagccurrentRx1Z |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisPdagccurrentRx1ZoomZ |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisPdagccurrentRx1Auxiliary |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisPdagccurrentRx1SensorZ |
Position detector AGC current in mA as signed value, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0X |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0Y |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0Z |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0ZoomZ |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0Auxiliary |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx0SensorZ |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1X |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1Y |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1Z |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1ZoomZ |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1Auxiliary |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRelativeHeatingOutputRx1SensorZ |
Heating output of galvo in ppt, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisSerialNumberLowRx0X |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisSerialNumberLowRx0Y |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisSerialNumberLowRx0Z |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisSerialNumberLowRx0ZoomZ |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisSerialNumberLowRx0Auxiliary |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisSerialNumberLowRx0SensorZ |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisSerialNumberLowRx1X |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisSerialNumberLowRx1Y |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisSerialNumberLowRx1Z |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisSerialNumberLowRx1ZoomZ |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisSerialNumberLowRx1Auxiliary |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisSerialNumberLowRx1SensorZ |
Serial number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisSerialNumberHighRx0X |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisSerialNumberHighRx0Y |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisSerialNumberHighRx0Z |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisSerialNumberHighRx0ZoomZ |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisSerialNumberHighRx0Auxiliary |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisSerialNumberHighRx0SensorZ |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisSerialNumberHighRx1X |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisSerialNumberHighRx1Y |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisSerialNumberHighRx1Z |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisSerialNumberHighRx1ZoomZ |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisSerialNumberHighRx1Auxiliary |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisSerialNumberHighRx1SensorZ |
Serial number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisArticleNumberLowRx0X |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisArticleNumberLowRx0Y |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisArticleNumberLowRx0Z |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisArticleNumberLowRx0ZoomZ |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisArticleNumberLowRx0Auxiliary |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisArticleNumberLowRx0SensorZ |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisArticleNumberLowRx1X |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisArticleNumberLowRx1Y |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisArticleNumberLowRx1Z |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisArticleNumberLowRx1ZoomZ |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisArticleNumberLowRx1Auxiliary |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisArticleNumberLowRx1SensorZ |
Article number, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisArticleNumberHighRx0X |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisArticleNumberHighRx0Y |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisArticleNumberHighRx0Z |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisArticleNumberHighRx0ZoomZ |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisArticleNumberHighRx0Auxiliary |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisArticleNumberHighRx0SensorZ |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisArticleNumberHighRx1X |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisArticleNumberHighRx1Y |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisArticleNumberHighRx1Z |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisArticleNumberHighRx1ZoomZ |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisArticleNumberHighRx1Auxiliary |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisArticleNumberHighRx1SensorZ |
Article number, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisFirmwareVersionRx0X |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisFirmwareVersionRx0Y |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisFirmwareVersionRx0Z |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisFirmwareVersionRx0ZoomZ |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisFirmwareVersionRx0Auxiliary |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisFirmwareVersionRx0SensorZ |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisFirmwareVersionRx1X |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisFirmwareVersionRx1Y |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisFirmwareVersionRx1Z |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisFirmwareVersionRx1ZoomZ |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisFirmwareVersionRx1Auxiliary |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisFirmwareVersionRx1SensorZ |
Firmware version number, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisCalibrationFactorRx0X |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisCalibrationFactorRx0Y |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisCalibrationFactorRx0Z |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisCalibrationFactorRx0ZoomZ |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisCalibrationFactorRx0Auxiliary |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisCalibrationFactorRx0SensorZ |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisCalibrationFactorRx1X |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisCalibrationFactorRx1Y |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisCalibrationFactorRx1Z |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisCalibrationFactorRx1ZoomZ |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisCalibrationFactorRx1Auxiliary |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisCalibrationFactorRx1SensorZ |
Calibration factor in bits/mrad, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisApertureRx0X |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisApertureRx0Y |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisApertureRx0Z |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisApertureRx0ZoomZ |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisApertureRx0Auxiliary |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisApertureRx0SensorZ |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisApertureRx1X |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisApertureRx1Y |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisApertureRx1Z |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisApertureRx1ZoomZ |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisApertureRx1Auxiliary |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisApertureRx1SensorZ |
Aperture size in mm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisWavelengthRx0X |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisWavelengthRx0Y |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisWavelengthRx0Z |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisWavelengthRx0ZoomZ |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisWavelengthRx0Auxiliary |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisWavelengthRx0SensorZ |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisWavelengthRx1X |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisWavelengthRx1Y |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisWavelengthRx1Z |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisWavelengthRx1ZoomZ |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisWavelengthRx1Auxiliary |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisWavelengthRx1SensorZ |
Wavelength in nm, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisTuningSelectorsRx0X |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisTuningSelectorsRx0Y |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisTuningSelectorsRx0Z |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisTuningSelectorsRx0ZoomZ |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisTuningSelectorsRx0Auxiliary |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisTuningSelectorsRx0SensorZ |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisTuningSelectorsRx1X |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisTuningSelectorsRx1Y |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisTuningSelectorsRx1Z |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisTuningSelectorsRx1ZoomZ |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisTuningSelectorsRx1Auxiliary |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisTuningSelectorsRx1SensorZ |
Current and startup tuning selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0X |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0Y |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0Z |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0ZoomZ |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0Auxiliary |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx0SensorZ |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1X |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1Y |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1Z |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1ZoomZ |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1Auxiliary |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisDataSourceSelectorsRx1SensorZ |
Current and startup data source selectors as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisStateFlagsLowRx0X |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStateFlagsLowRx0Y |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStateFlagsLowRx0Z |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStateFlagsLowRx0ZoomZ |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStateFlagsLowRx0Auxiliary |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStateFlagsLowRx0SensorZ |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStateFlagsLowRx1X |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStateFlagsLowRx1Y |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStateFlagsLowRx1Z |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStateFlagsLowRx1ZoomZ |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStateFlagsLowRx1Auxiliary |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStateFlagsLowRx1SensorZ |
Current operational state flags, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisStateFlagsHighRx0X |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStateFlagsHighRx0Y |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStateFlagsHighRx0Z |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStateFlagsHighRx0ZoomZ |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStateFlagsHighRx0Auxiliary |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStateFlagsHighRx0SensorZ |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStateFlagsHighRx1X |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStateFlagsHighRx1Y |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStateFlagsHighRx1Z |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStateFlagsHighRx1ZoomZ |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStateFlagsHighRx1Auxiliary |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStateFlagsHighRx1SensorZ |
Current operational state flags, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisStopEventCodeRx0X |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStopEventCodeRx0Y |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStopEventCodeRx0Z |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStopEventCodeRx0ZoomZ |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStopEventCodeRx0Auxiliary |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStopEventCodeRx0SensorZ |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStopEventCodeRx1X |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStopEventCodeRx1Y |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStopEventCodeRx1Z |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStopEventCodeRx1ZoomZ |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStopEventCodeRx1Auxiliary |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStopEventCodeRx1SensorZ |
Stop event code flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisStopFlagsLowRx0X |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStopFlagsLowRx0Y |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStopFlagsLowRx0Z |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStopFlagsLowRx0ZoomZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStopFlagsLowRx0Auxiliary |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStopFlagsLowRx0SensorZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStopFlagsLowRx1X |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStopFlagsLowRx1Y |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStopFlagsLowRx1Z |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStopFlagsLowRx1ZoomZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStopFlagsLowRx1Auxiliary |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStopFlagsLowRx1SensorZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, low word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisStopFlagsHighRx0X |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisStopFlagsHighRx0Y |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisStopFlagsHighRx0Z |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisStopFlagsHighRx0ZoomZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisStopFlagsHighRx0Auxiliary |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisStopFlagsHighRx0SensorZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisStopFlagsHighRx1X |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisStopFlagsHighRx1Y |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisStopFlagsHighRx1Z |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisStopFlagsHighRx1ZoomZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisStopFlagsHighRx1Auxiliary |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisStopFlagsHighRx1SensorZ |
Operational flags at last stop event, high word, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0X |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0Y |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0Z |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx0SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1X |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1Y |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1Z |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeSecondsRx1SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, seconds, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0X |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0Y |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0Z |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx0SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1X |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1Y |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1Z |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeMinutesRx1SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, minutes, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0X |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0Y |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0Z |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeHoursRx0SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1X |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1Y |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1Z |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeHoursRx1SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, hours, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0X |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0Y |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0Z |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeDaysRx0SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1X |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1Y |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1Z |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1ZoomZ |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1Auxiliary |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRunningTimeDaysRx1SensorZ |
Cumulative service time counter, days, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisPositionScaleRx0X |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisPositionScaleRx0Y |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisPositionScaleRx0Z |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisPositionScaleRx0ZoomZ |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionScaleRx0Auxiliary |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionScaleRx0SensorZ |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisPositionScaleRx1X |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisPositionScaleRx1Y |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisPositionScaleRx1Z |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisPositionScaleRx1ZoomZ |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionScaleRx1Auxiliary |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionScaleRx1SensorZ |
Current position scale factor, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0X |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0Y |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0Z |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0ZoomZ |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0Auxiliary |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx0SensorZ |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1X |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1Y |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1Z |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1ZoomZ |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1Auxiliary |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisPositionAcknowledgeLevelRx1SensorZ |
Current position acknowledge level, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisRmscurrentRx0X |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisRmscurrentRx0Y |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisRmscurrentRx0Z |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisRmscurrentRx0ZoomZ |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisRmscurrentRx0Auxiliary |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisRmscurrentRx0SensorZ |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisRmscurrentRx1X |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisRmscurrentRx1Y |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisRmscurrentRx1Z |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisRmscurrentRx1ZoomZ |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisRmscurrentRx1Auxiliary |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisRmscurrentRx1SensorZ |
Measured root-mean-square galvo current of the last second in mA., Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0X |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0Y |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0Z |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0ZoomZ |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0Auxiliary |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx0SensorZ |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1X |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1Y |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1Z |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1ZoomZ |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1Auxiliary |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisCompatibleStatusWordRx1SensorZ |
XY2-100 compatible (legacy) status as 2 * 8 flag bits, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0X |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0Y |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0Z |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0ZoomZ |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0Auxiliary |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx0SensorZ |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1X |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1Y |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1Z |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1ZoomZ |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1Auxiliary |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisInterpolationTimeConfigurationRx1SensorZ |
Current and startup interpolation times as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0X |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis X
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0Y |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Y
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0Z |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Z
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0ZoomZ |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis ZoomZ
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0Auxiliary |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis Auxiliary
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx0SensorZ |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 0, axis SensorZ
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1X |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis X
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1Y |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Y
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1Z |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Z
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1ZoomZ |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis ZoomZ
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1Auxiliary |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis Auxiliary
BisMirrorTiltAngleRx1SensorZ |
Current and startup mirror tilt angles as 2 * 8-bit unsigned values, Rx, on deflection unit 1, axis SensorZ
BisAuxiliaryTemperatureSensor1 |
Temperature of the first auxiliary temperature sensor in 1/10 °C.
BisAuxiliaryTemperatureSensor2 |
Temperature of the second auxiliary temperature sensor in 1/10 °C.
BisAuxiliaryTemperatureSensor3 |
Temperature of the third auxiliary temperature sensor in 1/10 °C.
BisTime |
BisPageIndex |
Page Index
BisScanner0TxX |
Scanner Commanded X
BisScanner0TxY |
Scanner Commanded Y
BisScanner0TxZ |
Scanner Commanded Z
BisScanner0TxZoomZ |
Scanner Commanded ZoomZ
BisScanner0TxAuxiliary |
Scanner Commanded Auxiliary
BisScanner0TxSensorZ |
Scanner Commanded SensorZ
BisScanner0RxX |
Scanner Measured X
BisScanner0RxY |
Scanner Measured Y
BisScanner0RxZ |
Scanner Measured Z
BisScanner0RxZoomZ |
Scanner Measured ZoomZ
BisScanner0RxAuxiliary |
Scanner Measured Auxiliary
BisScanner0RxSensorZ |
Scanner Measured SensorZ
BisScanner1TxX |
Scanner Commanded X (2nd Head)
BisScanner1TxY |
Scanner Commanded Y (2nd Head)
BisScanner1TxZ |
Scanner Commanded Z (2nd Head)
BisScanner1TxZoomZ |
Scanner Commanded ZoomZ (2nd Head)
BisScanner1TxAuxiliary |
Scanner Commanded Auxiliary (2nd Head)
BisScanner1TxSensorZ |
Scanner Commanded SensorZ (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxX |
Scanner Measured X (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxY |
Scanner Measured Y (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxZ |
Scanner Measured Z (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxZoomZ |
Scanner Measured ZoomZ (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxAuxiliary |
Scanner Measured Auxiliary (2nd Head)
BisScanner1RxSensorZ |
Scanner Measured SensorZ (2nd Head)
BisField0TxX |
Commanded X in the field domain.
BisField0TxY |
Commanded Y in the field domain.
BisField0TxZ |
Commanded Z in the field domain.
BisField0TxZoomZ |
Commanded M (zoom) in the field domain.
BisField0TxAuxiliary |
Commanded auxiliary in the field domain.
BisField0TxSensorZ |
Commanded sensor Z in the field domain.
BisField0RxX |
Measured X in the field domain.
BisField0RxY |
Measured Y in the field domain.
BisField0RxZ |
Measured Z in the field domain.
BisField0RxZoomZ |
Measured M (zoom) in the field domain.
BisField0RxAuxiliary |
Measured auxiliary in the field domain.
BisField0RxSensorZ |
Measured sensor Z in the field domain.
BisField1TxX |
Field Commanded X (2nd Head)
BisField1TxY |
Field Commanded Y (2nd Head)
BisField1TxZ |
Field Commanded Z (2nd Head)
BisField1TxZoomZ |
Field Commanded M (2nd Head)
BisField1TxAuxiliary |
Field Commanded Auxiliary (2nd Head)
BisField1TxSensorZ |
Field Commanded SensorZ (2nd Head)
BisField1RxX |
Field Measured X (2nd Head)
BisField1RxY |
Field Measured Y (2nd Head)
BisField1RxZ |
Field Measured Z (2nd Head)
BisField1RxZoomZ |
Field Measured M (2nd Head)
BisField1RxAuxiliary |
Field Measured Auxiliary (2nd Head)
BisField1RxSensorZ |
Field Measured SensorZ (2nd Head)
BisPart0TxX |
Commanded X in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart0TxY |
Commanded Y in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart0TxZ |
Commanded Z in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart0RxX |
Measured X in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart0RxY |
Measured Y in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart0RxZ |
Measured Z in the part's frame of reference, MOTF compensated.
BisPart1TxX |
Part Commanded X (2nd Head)
BisPart1TxY |
Part Commanded Y (2nd Head)
BisPart1TxZ |
Part Commanded Z (2nd Head)
BisPart1RxX |
Part Measured X (2nd Head)
BisPart1RxY |
Part Measured Y (2nd Head)
BisPart1RxZ |
Part Measured Z (2nd Head)
BisAdcA0 |
BisAdcA1 |
BisAdcA2 |
BisAdcA3 |
BisAdcB0 |
BisAdcB1 |
BisAdcB2 |
BisAdcB3 |