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19 Glossary

SP-ICE-3 Software | Scanner and Optical | Laser | Process and Marking | Hardware and Signals

SP-ICE-3 Software

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Client, Client Application, Client Program, Client-App

An application program, running on a Host-PC, which uses either the SP-ICE-3 ClientLib or the SP-ICE-3 NativeLib to communicate with a SP-ICE-3 Card.

See Also: ClientLib, NativeLib

A .NET library which provides an API to the SP-ICE-3 Card for .NET (managed) Clients.

It provides facilities for communicating with and configuring the card, for building command-lists and sending them to the card, and for obtaining results, status, and exceptions from the card.

See Also: Client, NativeLib, RTB



That part of the SP-ICE-3 Card's firmware which provides the interface for the ClientLib/NativeLib.

It communicates with the ClientLib, accepts and interprets commands from it, executes command-lists, propagates data as necessary to the underlying firmware and hardware levels, and returns results, status, and exceptions to the ClientLib/NativeLib.

See Also: ClientLib



An extern "C"/stdcall library, available for both Windows and Linux (x86 / x86_64), which provides an API to the SP-ICE-3 Card for native (non-managed) Clients.

It provides facilities for communicating with and configuring the card, for building command-lists and sending them to the card, and for obtaining results, status, and exceptions from the card.

See Also: Client, ClientLib, RTB

Scanner and Optical

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Focal Point

The point at which the scanner system focuses the laser beam.

See Also: Mark, Jump, Marking Field


RL3-100, SL2-100, XY2-100

Various Data Channel Protocols used for communications between the SP-ICE-3 Card and the scanners.


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Main Laser

Usually a relatively high power laser, used for production.

Often invisible.


Pilot Laser

Usually a highly visible, relatively low-powered laser.

Typically used for manual work-piece aligment, teach-in, etc.

See Also: Main Laser

Process and Marking

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Movement of the focal-point with the laser off.

See Also: Focal Point, Mark



Movement of the focal-point with the laser on.

See Also: Focal Point, Jump
Marking On-The-Fly, MOTF, Target Tracking

Marking operations on moving targets.
The targets are tracked by the scanners as they pass through the Marking Field.

See Also: Marking Field
Marking Field

The 2D plane or 3D volume within which the focal-point can be positioned by the scanners.

See Also: Focal Point

Hardware and Signals

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Marking Engine Busy, MEB

The Marking Engine is currently outputting position updates and other timing signals.

See: 8.4.1 The Marking-Engine-Busy Signal



The physical arrangement of pins and their functions on a given connector or other electronic device.