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8.2.2 Frames of Reference

Definitions of the Frames of Reference, and their relationships, on the SP-ICE-3 Card.

User Frame Of Reference: UserFR

This is the orthogonal cartesian space in which we design the vectors we wish to have marked by the scanner.

See also: Process Frame Of Reference

Process Frame Of Reference: ProcessFR

This is an orthogonal cartesian space containing vectors to be marked by the scanner.

Sometimes it may be desirable or even necessary to design vectors at positions in the UserFR which are not accessible in the ScannerFR.

In such cases, we can effectively move the vectors into the intermediate ProcessFR, and from there into the ScannerFR.

See also: User Frame Of Reference

Scanner Frame of Reference: ScannerFR

This is the orthogonal cartesian space in which the beam moves.

Relative Adjustment of UserFR and ScannerFR.

The UserFR and ScannerFR can be adjusted relative to each another, to whatever degree is necessary for the application, by specifying an appropriate Field Transform.

In the simplest cases, it is sufficient to specify just the co-efficients for ScanHeadConfigFieldTransform.

Note that in such cases, the Process Transform must be the identity, so that UserFR and ProcessFR coincide exactly - see: Relative Adjustment of User and Process Frames of Reference .

Simple User and Scanner Frames Of Reference.svg not found.
Adjustment of UserFR and ScannerFR
Relative Adjustment of UserFR and ProcessFR.

The UserFR and ProcessFR can be adjusted relative to each another, to whatever degree is necessary for the application, by use of an appropriate Process Transform.

Simple User and Process and Scanner Frames Of Reference.svg not found.
Adjustment of UserFR, ProcessFR, and ScannerFR
Conveyor Belt Frame of Reference: ConveyorFR

For MOTF applications, this is the orthogonal cartesian plane in which the conveyor belt moves.

Relative Adjustment of ProcessFR and ConveyorFR.

The ProcessFR and ConveyorFR can be adjusted relative to each another, to whatever degree is necessary for the application, by use of appropriate MotfConfigMainDirection, MotfConfigCompensationDirection, and MotfConfigOffset values.

Simple User and Process and Conveyor Frames Of Reference.svg not found.
Adjustment of ProcessFR and ConveyorFR
See Also

Other Resources

9.7 Process Parameters