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9.7 Process Parameters

Process Parameter Commands are use to define the parameters, such as Pulse Frequency, Marking Speed, Power Level, Transformation, etc., used during laser processing operations.

Laser Pulse Timing Parameters

These commands are used specify the frequency and width of pulses that the laser source should emit.

ListAPI Method

SP-ICE-3 Command





Process Transformation

Scaling, Rotation, and Offset of vector coordinates by specifying values for the Process Transformation Matrix.

ProcessAPI Method

SP-ICE-3 Command


( with the appropriate transformation parameters in the Transformation member of processVariables )


Process Transformation: Scale Factor vs Power Density
Important note  Important

Be aware that changes of Scale Factor during laser processing, if uncompensated, will change the effective Power Density of the process at the target.

This applies to all marked vectors, but may be particularly obvious with Bitmaps and Fill Patterns.

This needs to be take into consideration for applications where:

  • target alignment is determined during processing, e.g. via a vision system

  • etc.

See Also