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8.2.1 Virtual Marking Field

For some applications, it is appropriate to design marking vectors whose nominal coordinates lie outside the boundaries of the physically available marking field, and then transform them back within the boundaries during processing (i.e. at run-time), thus allowing the vectors to be marked normally.

The coefficients required to transform a given marking vector from its design-time location to its run-time location within the physical field may be supplied statically, by use of e.g. ProcessVariablesTransformation, and/or dynamically via the Marking On-The-Fly facility.

The SP-ICE-3 Card provides a Virtual Marking Field whose axes each have a ordinate range 8 times larger than those of the physical marking field:

VirtualMarkingField.svg not found.
Virtual Marking Field
Example Applications for the Virtual Marking Field



Marking long strings, logos, etc., with MOTF

Where long means: the length of the complete mark (and probably also length of the target work-piece) exceeds the available width/height of the physical marking field.

We can specify the marking vectors at full size within the virtual field, and then make use of MOTF to progressively shift the vectors inside the physical field boundaries as marking proceeds.

Marking sub-sections of large patterns

Where large means: the size of the complete mark exceeds the available size of the physical marking field in at least one dimension.

We can specify the complete set of marking vectors at full size within the virtual field, and then make use of appropriate ProcessVariablesTransformation values to shift sub-sets of the vectors inside the physical field boundaries as marking proceeds in stages.

See Also