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2.3 Main Features

  • Control of up to two scan systems

  • 10 μs step period and 20 bit position resolution for the control of deflection units.

  • Support of up to 16 MHz laser frequency

  • Speed- and position-dependent control of the laser power[Note 1]

  • Various drawing shapes such as circular and elliptical arcs.

  • Text in multiple fonts.

  • Marking of self-incrementing serial numbers.

  • Marking of current date and time fields, and date/timestamps.

  • User-defined dash-dotted line patterns.

  • Skywriting for highest precision marking.

  • Bitmap mode with up to 1 MHz pixel frequency and 15 ns resolution

  • Reliable Marking and processing On The Fly (MOTF), featuring:

    • Two quadrature decoders with differential inputs.

      These allow tracking of, e.g., a conveyor belt, both in the direction of travel, and orthogonally to it.

    • Buffer for up to 32 workpieces between detection and processing;

    • Internal programmable quadrature generators for the simulation of MOTF, and for applications which do not require movement encoders.

  • Virtual Marking Field (8 time size of regular field).

  • Logging of up to 24 million measurements from various selectable sources.

    • Can be used for system optimization and monitoring.

    • Sources include: target and actual scanner positions, laser power and modulation state, etc.

    • Sampling can be started and stopped via list or control commands.

  • Arbitrary number and size of command lists, limited only by the amount of RAM

  • Flow control commands such as loops, jumps, and sub-routines

  • Conditional execution of command lists dependent on input signals at I/O ports, or on variables.

  • Execution of customer specific command lists and .NET programs on the card, which can also access the card‘s processing functions.

  • Stand-Alone Mode, allowing autonomous execution of pre-defined command lists by the card.

  • 1 GB DDR3 RAM

  • 1 GB DDR3 RAM for 2D and 3D field corrections

  • 32 GB micro-SD card for settings, programs and lists

  1. For Ring & Core lasers, dynamic power control can be applied to just one of the sources, i.e. either the Ring or the Core.