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2 Product Overview

The SP-ICE-3 Card comprises a complete processor system for real-time control of scan systems and lasers.

It can either be mounted internally in a Host PC, connected via the PCIe interface, or externally, connect to a Host PC via the Gbit-Ethernet interface.
Furthermore, the card can also be used in "stand-alone" configuration, completely disconnected from any Host PC.

During normal operation, marking vectors are transferred from the Host PC to the card, which then holds them in its local memory. When commanded to start processing, the card uses the stored vectors to direct the scan system and laser. This allows control of the laser and the scan system in real-time, even if the Host PC itself is not a real-time system, or is needed for other purposes, or if the SP-ICE-3 Card is subsequently used in stand-alone mode.

The SP-ICE-3 Card can control all common laser sources as well as scan systems that use the XY2-100 or SL2-100 protocol.

See Also