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12.6.3 Recommended Maximum CommandList Size

While the overall capacity of a given CommandList is effectivly only limited by the available RAM on the SP-ICE-3 Card, we recommend that, for best performance, you limit the size of the CommandLists which your application creates.

  • As a rule of thumb, the greater the number of CommandLists present on the card simultaneously, the smaller each of those lists should be.

  • If you find that your application is creating only a few very large lists, consider refactoring it so that it generates a greater number of shorter lists instead, and also consider using the methods described in 12.8 Auto-Changing between Lists.

Recommended Absolute Maximum CommandList Size

In certain limited circumstances (e.g. in Stand-Alone Mode ), it could make sense to use a single huge CommandList.

However, we still recommand not trying to add more than 1 Million Commands to the list.

Recommended Normal CommandList Size
  • Smaller CommandLists can be both generated, and sent to the card, more quickly.

  • Since a smaller list requires less memory space on the card, there is less work for the card's Garbage-Collector to do when clearing up after the list has been deleted.

  • Overall, less CPU-overhead is required per CommandList.

Consequently, we recommend that you limit your normal list size to somewhere between 10000 und 100000 commands, depending obviously, on the particular requirements of your application.

See Also