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12.5.1 Command List Construction

As mentioned previously, the command list and its contents are represented in different, but complementary, ways by the SP-ICE-3 ClientLib and on the SP-ICE-3 Card:

  • Client-CommandLists may be instantiated by an application program as required by the program's logic.

  • Card-CommandLists, however, cannot be instantiated directly by an application: instead, they will by instantiated automatically on the card as and when necessary.


A new Client-CommandList can be constructed in the normal way:

Pseudo-code only - do not copy!
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( myCardIP ) )

CommandList localList = new CommandList();

# etc.


After this, you can add contents to it as appropriate for your application.

Please also take careful note of the information in 12.6.3 Recommended Maximum CommandList Size.


The contents of a new Card-CommandList

  • will be created automatically, along with the Card-CommandList instance itself, when ListAPI.Set( id, myContents ) is called, with a suitable Client-CommandList being passed as the contents provider myContents.

The contents of an existing Card-CommandList

Example of contents construction

A short CommandList could be defined, very roughly, as follows:

Pseudo-code only - do not copy!
using ( ClientAPI client = new ClientAPI( myCardIP ) )
double maxX = 32760;
double minX = -32760;
double maxY = 32760;
double minY = -32760;

int remoteListID = 1;

CommandList localList = new CommandList();

localList.AppendJumpSpeed( 1.0 );
localList.AppendMarkSpeed( 0.1 );
localList.AppendJumpAbs( minX, minY );
localList.AppendMarkAbs( maxX, minY );
localList.AppendMarkAbs( maxX, maxY );
localList.AppendMarkAbs( minX, maxY );
localList.AppendMarkAbs( minX, minY );
localList.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );

// display the LOCAL list contents:
Console.WriteLine("LOC: " + localList.ToString());

// send contents to a remote list on the card:
client.List.Set( remoteListID, localList);

// retrieve and display the REMOTE list contents:
Console.WriteLine("REM: " + client.List.Get(remoteListID).ToString());


The console output should be similar to this:

LOC: JS 1;MS 0.1;JA -32760 -32760;MA 32760 -32760;MA 32760 32760;MA -32760 32760;MA -32760 -32760;JA 0 0;
REM: JS 1;MS 0.1;JA -32760 -32760;MA 32760 -32760;MA 32760 32760;MA -32760 32760;MA -32760 -32760;JA 0 0;
Note  Note

Each CommandCode is represented by its CommandCodeAcronym.