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9.5.2 Equally Spaced Pulses

When LaserConfigEnableEquallySpacedPulses is set true, the SP-ICE-3 Card ensures that the distance between laser pulses is constant, even when the scanners are accelerating or decelerating.

Equal pulse spacing is achieved by modulating LmFrequency appropriately.

Note  Note
  • For this to be effective, the laser must be able to respond quickly enough to the change of modulation frequency.

  • Equally spaced pulses cannot be generated when LmFrequency is being used as the HotPowerTarget.

EquallySpacedPulses.svg not found.
Marking results before and after enabling Equally Spaced Pulses.

The equal spacing feature uses an internal model to estimate the current speed of the scanner, and relies upon TrackingError being specified correctly in ScannerConfig.

Please refer to the datasheet of your scanner for the appropriate values.