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9.5.5 Variable Jump Delay

When the variable jump delay feature is enabled, the delay after a JUMP vector will be automatically adjusted according to the length of the jump.

This allows the execution time of marking jobs to be optimized, without compromising marking quality, since scanners generally need less time to settle after performing a short jump.

For more information about the use of jump delay in the marking process, please refer to 7.3.2 Scanner Settling Time Compensation.

Parameters and Calculations

In the context of a particular marking job, we determine what constitutes a short jump by setting JumpLengthLimit appropriately.
We should also define an appropriate minimum value for the adjusted jump delay by setting MinJumpDelay.

The variable jump delay feature is enabled by setting EnableVariableJumpDelay to true.

For a jump of length LJ, the corresponding delay will be calculated as follows:

Jump Length

Delay Value

LJ = 0


LJ > ProcessVariablesJumpLengthLimit


0 < LJProcessVariablesJumpLengthLimit

Linearly interpolated in the range MinJumpDelay to JumpDelay