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9.5.4 Variable Poly Delay

When variable polygon delay is enabled, the user-defined ProcessVariablesPolyDelay value is first multiplied by a variable factor before being applied.
This factor is dependent upon the magnitude of the Change of Heading ("CoH") between immediately consecutive marking vectors.

VariablePolydelayChangeOfHeading.svg not found.
Change Of Heading

Variable polygon delay is enabled by setting ProcessVariablesEnableVariablePolyDelay to true.

For a given angular magnitude of CoH a between the current and the immediately following marking vectors, the factor f will be calulated as f = 1 - cos(a) (see the Graph below).

  • If there is no CoH, the factor will be 0, meaning that no polygon delay is applied between consecutive marking vectors.

  • If the CoH is exactly 90°, the factor will be 1, meaning that the value of ProcessVariablesPolyDelay is applied unchanged between the marking vectors.

  • If the CoH is exactly 180°, the factor will be 2, meaning that twice the value of ProcessVariablesPolyDelay is applied between the marking vectors.

VariablePolydelayFactor.svg not found.
Variable PolyDelay Factor

When working with a 3D scanhead, and there is a velocity change on all three axes, the maximum of the CoH angles between the various vectors will be used.

Further improvement in marking quality may be obtained by enabling both variable polygon delay and velocity correction (LaserConfigEnableVelocityCorrection = true).