Command |
public enum CommandCode
Member name | Description |
PROGRESS_ID | The progress identifier can be used to track the progress of marking operations. Acronym: PI CommandList.AppendProgress(Int32) |
INCR_COUNTER | Increments a specific mark counter. May be used to count things during marking operations. Acronym: IC CommandList.AppendIncrementCounter(String) |
SLEEP | Does nothing for a specific time interval. Acronym: SL CommandList.AppendSleep(Double) |
BOOLEAN_SET | Sets the value of a BooleanVariable. Acronym: BVS CommandList.AppendBooleanSet(String, Boolean) |
INTEGER_SET | Sets the value of a IntegerVariable. Acronym: IVS CommandList.AppendIntegerSet(String, Int32) |
SIGNAL_SET | Sets a signal. Acronym: SIS CommandList.AppendSignalSet(String) |
SIGNAL_RESET | Resets a signal. Acronym: SIR CommandList.AppendSignalReset(String) |
SET_POWER_CHANGE | Specifies a power level, that should take effect or over a specific time interval. Acronym: PWRC CommandList.{0} Overload |
SET_POWER | Specifies a power level, that should take effect immediately. Acronym: PWR CommandList.{0} Overload |
LASER_ON | Switches the laser on indefinitely. Acronym: LON CommandList.{0} Overload |
LASER_OFF | Switches the laser off, if it was on. Acronym: LOF CommandList.AppendLaserOff |
LASER_ON_PULSES | Switches the laser on for only a specific time interval. Acronym: LONP CommandList.{0} Overload |
SET_SIMMERPOWER | Specifies a simmer power. Acronym: SPR CommandList.AppendSimmerPower(UInt16) |
ENABLE_PILOT | Enables/disables the pilot laser. Acronym: PIL CommandList.AppendEnablePilot(Boolean) |
ARM_LASER | Arms/Disarms the hot laser. Acronym: ARM CommandList.AppendArmLaser(Boolean) |
VELDEPCOR_ENABLE | Enables/disables the velocity-dependent power correction. Acronym: VDP CommandList.AppendEnableVelocityCorrection(Boolean) |
POWERCOR_ENABLE | Enables/disables the position-dependent power correction. Acronym: PDP CommandList.AppendEnablePowerCorrection(Boolean) |
POWERCAL_ENABLE | Enables/disables the power calibration. Acronym: PCA CommandList.AppendEnablePowerCalibration(Boolean) |
DASHED_LINE_ENABLE | Enables/Disables the dashed line marking feature. Acronym: DLE CommandList.AppendEnableDashedLine(Boolean, Double) |
DASHED_LINE_PATTERN | Sets a pattern to be used with the dashed line marking feature. Acronym: DLP CommandList.AppendDashedLinePattern(ListDouble) |
SKYWRITING_MODE | Sets the mode for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKWM CommandList.AppendSkyWritingMode(SkyWritingMode) |
SKYWRITING_MIN_COH | Sets the minimum change of heading for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKMCH CommandList.AppendSkyWritingMinCoH(Double) |
SKYWRITING_ACCELERATION_DELAY | Sets the acceleration delay for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKAD CommandList.AppendSkyWritingAccelerationDelay(Double) |
SKYWRITING_DECELERATION_DELAY | Sets the deceleration delay for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKDD CommandList.AppendSkyWritingDecelerationDelay(Double) |
SKYWRITING_EXTENSION_TIME | Sets the acceleration time for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKET CommandList.AppendSkyWritingExtensionTime(Double) |
SKYWRITING_LASERON_DELAY | Sets the laser on delay for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKLON CommandList.AppendSkyWritingLaserOnDelay(Double) |
SKYWRITING_LASEROFF_DELAY | Sets the laser off delay for skywriting feature. Acronym: SKLOF CommandList.AppendSkyWritingLaserOffDelay(Double) |
SCALING_FACTOR | Sets the current scaling factor for vector co-ordinates. Acronym: SCF CommandList.AppendScalingFactor(Point2D) |
TRANSFORMATION | Sets the transformation factors for vector co-ordinates. Acronym: TRA CommandList.AppendTransformation(Transform3D) |
HEAD_BIAS_SET | Sets the offset which is applied to the field-corrected coordinates just prior to sending them to the scanner. Acronym: HBS CommandList.AppendHeadBias(Int32, Axes, Double) |
FCORR_SELECT_CORRECTION | Selects the correction file for the specified scan head. Acronym: FSCT CommandList.AppendSelectHeadCorrection(Int32, Int32) |
WOBBLE_ENABLE | Enables/Disables wobble. Acronym: WOBE CommandList.AppendEnableWobble(Boolean) |
WOBBLE_AMPLITUDE | Sets the amplitude used for wobble. Acronym: WOBA CommandList.AppendWobbleAmplitude(Point2D) |
WOBBLE_FREQUENCY | Sets the frequency used for wobble. Acronym: WOBF CommandList.AppendWobbleFrequency(Point2D) |
WOBBLE_PHASE | Sets the phase offset used for wobble. Acronym: WOBP CommandList.AppendWobblePhase(Point2D) |
MAGNIFICATION_ABS | Specifies an absolute target magnification factor for the spot, and whether the magnification optics movement should be completed before, or proceed in parallel with, subsequent scanner commands. Acronym: SPMA CommandList.AppendMagnificationAbs(Double, Boolean) |
MAGNIFICATION_REL | Specifies a relative target magnification factor for the spot, and whether the magnification optics movement should be completed before, or proceed in parallel with, subsequent scanner commands. Acronym: SPMR CommandList.AppendMagnificationRel(Double, Boolean) |
JUMP_ABS | With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates. Acronym: JA CommandList.AppendJumpAbs(Point2D) |
JUMP_REL | With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates. Acronym: JR CommandList.AppendJumpRel(Point2D) |
JUMP_3D_ABS | With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates. Acronym: J3A CommandList.AppendJumpAbs(Point3D) |
JUMP_3D_REL | With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates. Acronym: J3R CommandList.AppendJumpRel(Point3D) |
STOP_MOTF | When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0. Acronym: MFSTP CommandList.AppendStopMotf(Point2D) |
STOP_MOTF_3D | When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0. Acronym: MFSTP CommandList.AppendStopMotf(Point3D) |
MARK_ABS | Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates. Acronym: MA CommandList.AppendMarkAbs(Point2D) |
MARK_REL | Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates. Acronym: MR CommandList.AppendMarkRel(Point2D) |
MARK_3D_ABS | Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates. Acronym: M3A CommandList.AppendMarkAbs(Point3D) |
MARK_3D_REL | Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates. Acronym: M3R CommandList.AppendMarkRel(Point3D) |
MARK_ARC_ABS | Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle. Acronym: ARCA CommandList.AppendArcAbs(Point2D, Double) |
MARK_ARC_REL | Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle. Acronym: ARCR CommandList.AppendArcRel(Point2D, Double) |
MARK_ARC_3D_ABS | Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle. Acronym: ARC3A CommandList.AppendArcAbs(Point3D, Double) |
MARK_ARC_3D_REL | Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle. Acronym: ARC3R CommandList.AppendArcRel(Point3D, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPSE_ABS | Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLA CommandList.AppendEllipseAbs(Point2D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPSE_REL | Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLR CommandList.AppendEllipseRel(Point2D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPSE_3D_ABS | Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELL3A CommandList.AppendEllipseAbs(Point3D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPSE_3D_REL | Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELL3R CommandList.AppendEllipseRel(Point3D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPTIC_CURVE_ABS | Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLCA CommandList.AppendEllipticCurveAbs(Point2D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPTIC_CURVE_REL | Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLCR CommandList.AppendEllipticCurveRel(Point2D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPTIC_CURVE_3D_ABS | Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLC3A CommandList.AppendEllipticCurveAbs(Point3D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_ELLIPTIC_CURVE_3D_REL | Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates. Acronym: ELLC3R CommandList.AppendEllipticCurveRel(Point3D, Double, Double, Double) |
MARK_GENERAL_ELLIPSE | Marks an generic ellipse (elliptic helix) described by a X, Y, Z transformation from a standard helix in [-2,0]x[-1,1]x[0,1] with a given amount of turns. AppendGeneralEllipse |
MARK_BEZIER_ABS | Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZA CommandList.AppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Point2D, Point2D) |
MARK_BEZIER_REL | Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZR CommandList.AppendQuadraticBezierRel(Point2D, Point2D) |
MARK_BEZIER_3D_ABS | Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZ3A CommandList.AppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Point3D, Point3D) |
MARK_BEZIER_3D_REL | Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZ3R CommandList.AppendQuadraticBezierRel(Point3D, Point3D) |
MARK_BEZIER_CUBIC_ABS | Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZCA CommandList.AppendCubicBezierAbs(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) |
MARK_BEZIER_CUBIC_REL | Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZR CommandList.AppendCubicBezierRel(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) |
MARK_BEZIER_CUBIC_3D_ABS | Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZC3A CommandList.AppendCubicBezierAbs(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) |
MARK_BEZIER_CUBIC_3D_REL | Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point. Acronym: BEZC3R CommandList.AppendCubicBezierRel(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) |
MARK_BMP_ABS | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates. Acronym: BMPA CommandList.AppendBitmapLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_BMP_REL | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates. Acronym: BMPR CommandList.AppendBitmapLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_BMP_3D_ABS | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates. Acronym: BMP3A CommandList.AppendBitmapLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_BMP_3D_REL | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates. Acronym: BMP3R CommandList.AppendBitmapLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_PAS_ABS | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: PASA CommandList.AppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_PAS_REL | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: PASR CommandList.AppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_PAS_3D_ABS | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: PAS3A CommandList.AppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_PAS_3D_REL | Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: PAS3R CommandList.AppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16) |
MARK_JAS_ABS | Marks a path of pixels described by the list of given absolute co-ordinates, using the Jump-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: JASA CommandList.AppendJumpAndShoot(IListJumpAndShootItemPoint2D) |
MARK_JAS_3D_ABS | Marks a path of pixels described by the list of given absolute co-ordinates, using the Jump-And-Shoot algorithm. Acronym: JAS3A CommandList.AppendJumpAndShoot(IListJumpAndShootItemPoint3D) |
MARK_SPEED | Specifies the required mark velocity at the target. Acronym: MS CommandList.AppendMarkSpeed(Double) |
JUMP_SPEED | Specifies the required jump velocity at the target. Acronym: JS CommandList.AppendJumpSpeed(Double) |
MAGNIFICATION_SPEED | Specifies the rate of change of magnification factor for spot magnification optics. Acronym: MAGS CommandList.AppendMagnificationSpeed(Double) |
SPEED_SCALE | Specifies the current speed scaling factor. Acronym: SPSC CommandList.AppendSpeedScale(Double) |
MARK_DELAY | Specifies the delay introduced between a MARK and a following non-MARK. Acronym: MD CommandList.AppendMarkDelay(Double) |
POLY_DELAY | Specifies the delay introduced between contiguous MARK vectors. Acronym: PD CommandList.AppendPolyDelay(Double) |
JUMP_DELAY | Specifies the delay introduced at the end of any JUMP vector . Acronym: JD CommandList.AppendJumpDelay(Double) |
VAR_JUMP_DELAY | Enables or disables the variable jump delay. Acronym: VJD CommandList.AppendEnableVariableJumpDelay(Boolean) |
JUMP_DELAY_MIN | Sets the minimum delay used for the variable jump delay. Acronym: JDM CommandList.AppendMinimumJumpDelay(Double) |
JUMP_LENGTH_LIMIT | Sets the maximum length of a jump vector vor which the variable jump delay is used. Acronym: JLL CommandList.AppendJumpLengthLimit(Double) |
VAR_POLY_DELAY | Enables or disables the variable poly delay. Acronym: VPD CommandList.AppendEnableVariablePolyDelay(Boolean) |
LON_DELAY | Specifies the lag-time of the galvanometers with respect to the laser, when switching the laser on. Acronym: LN CommandList.AppendLaserOnDelay(Double) |
LOFF_DELAY | Specifies the lag-time of the galvanometers with respect to the laser, when switching the laser off. Acronym: LF CommandList.AppendLaserOffDelay(Double) |
LM_FREQUENCY | Sets the pulse frequency of the laser modulation output during marking. Acronym: LY CommandList.AppendLmFrequency(Double) |
LM_WIDTH | Sets the pulse width of the laser modulation output during marking. Acronym: LW CommandList.AppendLmWidth(Double) |
POWER_SCALE | Specifies the current power scaling factor. Acronym: PWSC CommandList.AppendPowerScale(Double) |
SELECT_FONT | Specifies which font to use for marking characters with MARK_CHAR and MARK_TIME Acronym: SF CommandList.AppendSelectFont(Int32) |
START_MOTF | When using MOTF, immediately starts tracking the encoder without requiring an external trigger event. Acronym: MFSTR CommandList.AppendStartMotf |
MOTF_WAIT_PART | When using MOTF, waits for the $PART_SENSOR input to become active. Acronym: MFWP CommandList.AppendMotfWaitPart(Int32) |
MOTF_WAIT_DISTANCE | When using MOTF, waits until the part has traveled the specified distance before marking is resumed. Acronym: MFWD CommandList.AppendMotfWaitDistance(Double, MotfDistanceMode, Int32) |
MOTF_TILE_OFFSET | When using MOTF, the tile offset combined with the MainDirection specifies the rotation center needed to correctly mark on a rotated part. Acronym: MFTOF CommandList.AppendMotfTileOffset(Double) |
WAIT_START | Waits for the START_MARK signal to become active. Acronym: WS CommandList.AppendWaitStart(Int32) |
WAIT_INPUT | Waits for a condition on a given IO-Port. Acronym: WI CommandList.AppendWaitForInput(UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32, Int32) |
PERIPHERAL_ENHCMD | Sends an Enhanced Command to a scan-head. Acronym: PEC CommandList.AppendEnhancedCommand(Int32, Axis, UInt32) |
PERIPHERAL_PORT | Outputs a value on a GPIO Port. Acronym: PPT CommandList.AppendGpioValue(IOPort, PinAction, UInt32) |
PERIPHERAL_DAC | Outputs a value to a DAC. Acronym: PDA CommandList.AppendDacValue(PowerTarget, UInt32) |
PERIPHERAL_TRACE_CFG | Configures the Trace Buffer. Acronym: PTC CommandList.AppendTraceConfig(TraceBufferConfig) |
PERIPHERAL_TRACE_LABEL | Sets a label in the Trace Buffer. Acronym: PTL CommandList.AppendTraceLabel(Int32) |
PERIPHERAL_SPI | Allows writing to an SPI module using the peripheral engine. Acronym: PSP CommandList.AppendSpiWrite(Int32, UInt32) |
SERIAL_PORT_TRANSMIT | Sends a message via the serial port. Acronym: STX CommandList.AppendSerialPortTransmit(String) |
SERIAL_PORT_TRANSMIT_LINE | Sends a message and the configured end-of-line sequence via the serial port. Acronym: STXL CommandList.AppendSerialPortTransmitLine(String) |
SERIAL_PORT_VERIFY_RESPONSE | Sends a message via the serial port, and waits for an expected response. Acronym: SVR CommandList.AppendSerialPortVerifyResponse(String, String) |
SERIAL_PORT_VERIFY_RESPONSE_LINE | Sends a message and the configured end-of-line sequence via the serial port, and waits for an expected response and the configured end-of-line sequence. Acronym: SVRL CommandList.AppendSerialPortVerifyResponseLine(String, String) |
EVALUATION_LEADTIME | Specifies the condition evaluation lead time for conditional flow-control commands. Acronym: ELT CommandList.AppendEvaluationLeadTime(Double) |
BRANCH_ABS | Unconditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list. Acronym: BA CommandList.AppendBranchAbs(Int32) |
BRANCH_REL | Unconditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list. Acronym: BR CommandList.AppendBranchRel(Int32) |
BRANCH_ABS_COND | Conditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list. Acronym: BAC CommandList.AppendBranchAbs(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) |
BRANCH_REL_COND | Conditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list. Acronym: BRC CommandList.AppendBranchRel(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) |
BRANCH_ABS_COND_FLAG | Conditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list. Acronym: BACF CommandList.AppendBranchAbs(Int32, String, Boolean) |
BRANCH_REL_COND_FLAG | Conditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list. Acronym: BRCF CommandList.AppendBranchRel(Int32, String, Boolean) |
LOOP_START | Specifies the start of, and repeat-count for, a block of commands which will be executed repeatedly. Acronym: LOS CommandList.AppendLoopStart(Int32) |
LOOP_END | Specifies the end of a block of commands which can be executed in a loop. Acronym: LOE CommandList.AppendLoopEnd |
LOOP_BREAK | Specifies that the execution of the containing loop should be terminate (perhaps prematurely). Execution is resumed at the command following the nearest LOOP_END. Acronym: LOB CommandList.AppendLoopBreak |
CASE_GOTO_ABS | Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the absolute offset of a target command within the current list. Acronym: CASGA CommandList.AppendCaseAbs(Int32, UInt32) |
DEFAULT_GOTO_ABS | Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the absolute offset of a target command within the current list. Acronym: DEFGA CommandList.AppendDefaultAbs(Int32) |
CASE_GOTO_REL | Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the relative offset of a target command within the current list. Acronym: CASGR CommandList.AppendCaseRel(Int32, UInt32) |
DEFAULT_GOTO_REL | Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the relative offset of a target command within the current list. Acronym: DEFGR CommandList.AppendDefaultRel(Int32) |
BRANCH_LIST | Unconditionally branches to the specified list. Acronym: BRL CommandList.AppendBranchList(Int32) |
BRANCH_LIST_COND | Conditionally branches to the specified list. Acronym: BRLC CommandList.AppendBranchList(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) |
BRANCH_LIST_COND_FLAG | Conditionally branches to the specified list. Acronym: BRLCF CommandList.AppendBranchList(Int32, String, Boolean) |
CALL_LIST | Unconditionally call to the specified list. Acronym: CL CommandList.AppendCallList(Int32) |
CALL_LIST_COND | Conditionally call to the specified list. Acronym: CLC CommandList.AppendCallList(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) |
CALL_LIST_COND_FLAG | Conditionally call to the specified list. Acronym: CLCF CommandList.AppendCallList(Int32, String, Boolean) |
MARK_CHAR | Mark a single character at the current position, using the currently selected font. Acronym: MCH CommandList.AppendMarkChar(Char) |
MARK_TIME | Marks the current time as a string of characters starting at the current position, using the currently selected font and format. Acronym: MT CommandList.AppendMarkTime |
MARK_COUNTER | Marks the value of the specified mark-counter starting at the current position, using the currently selected font. Acronym: MC CommandList.AppendMarkCounter(String, Int32) |
SWITCH | Introduces a switch-block, and specifies the port against which the case(s) will be tested. Acronym: SWI CommandList.AppendSwitch(IOPort, Boolean, UInt32) |
SWITCH_VALUE | Introduces a switch-block, and specifies the variable against which the case(s) will be tested. Acronym: SWIV CommandList.AppendSwitch(String) |
CASE_BRANCH_LIST | Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list. Acronym: CASBL CommandList.AppendCaseBranchList(Int32, UInt32) |
DEFAULT_BRANCH_LIST | Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the id of a target list. Acronym: DEFBL CommandList.AppendDefaultBranchList(Int32) |
CASE_CALL_LIST | Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list. Acronym: CASCL CommandList.AppendCaseCallList(Int32, UInt32) |
DEFAULT_CALL_LIST | Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the id of a target list. Acronym: DEFCL CommandList.AppendDefaultCallList(Int32) |
GOTO_STANDALONE_LIST | Executes the Stand-Alone List. Acronym: GTSAL CommandList.AppendBranchStandAloneList Refer to: 16 Stand-Alone Mode for more details. |
EXIT_LIST_CONDITION | Returns from the list. Acronym: EXLC CommandList.AppendExitList |
EXIT_LIST | Returns from the list. Acronym: EXL CommandList.AppendExitList |
EXIT_LIST_FLAG | Returns from the list. Acronym: EXLF CommandList.AppendExitList |
WAIT_SIGNAL | Waits for a signal to be set. Acronym: WFS CommandList.AppendWaitForSignal |
SUSPEND | Suspends pre-computation until execution is within EvaluationLeadTime. Acronym: SUS CommandList.AppendWaitForSignal(Int32) |