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7.2.2 Hot Power Target Selection

The Hot Power Target settings on the Laser tab (see 7.2.1 Laser Configuration Procedure) may be used to select the output method for laser power values during processing.

Consider the following simple pseudo-command sequence:

SetLmWidth( w );      // Set the LmWidth value w corresponding to 100% Power
SetLmFrequency( f );  // Set the LmFrequency value f corresponding to 100% Power

SetPower( p1 );       // Set the power level p1 to be used when marking the following vectors.
Mark( A );            // Set of vectors A[0..n].

SetPower( p2 );       // Set the power level p2 to be used when marking the following vectors.
Mark( B );            // Set of vectors B[0..n].

The effect of the power level changes under the available Power Targets is shown below.

Note  Note

Power levels are always specified as 16-bit unsigned integers: their interpretation depends on the selected Power Target.

The diagrams below illustrate only general principles, and do not represent phase relationships exactly.

Power Target = DAC

The laser power level value is sent to DAC0 or DAC1.

Power Level Interpretation for DAC Target

0..65535 ⇒ 0V..10V

SP-ICE-3 Hot Power Target: DAC
SP-ICE-3-Hot-Power-Target-DAC.svg not found.
Power Target = Digital

The laser power value is sent to an n-bit digital output port, where n ∈ [1,2,8,16].

Power Level Interpretation for Digital Target

0..65535 ⇒ bit-pattern is output to the port unchanged.

SP-ICE-3 Hot Power Target: Digital
SP-ICE-3-Hot-Power-Target-Digital.svg not found.
Power Target = LmWidth

The laser power value is used to vary the pulse width of the LM signal.

Power Level Interpretation for LmWidth Target

0..65535 ⇒ pulse width = w * (p / 65535)

SP-ICE-3 Hot Power Target: LmWidth
SP-ICE-3-Hot-Power-Target-LmWidth.svg not found.
Power Target = LmFrequency

The laser power value is used to vary the pulse frequency of the LM signal.

Power Level Interpretation for LmFrequency Target

0..65535 ⇒ pulse frequency = f * (p / 65535)

SP-ICE-3 Hot Power Target: LmFrequency
SP-ICE-3-Hot-Power-Target-LmFrequency.svg not found.