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ListAPISet Method

Transfers the contents of a Client-CommandList to the identified Card-CommandList.

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.4.1
public void Set(
	int listID,
	CommandList list,
	bool append = false,
	int executionLimit = -1


listID  Int32
Identifies the Card-CommandList.
list  CommandList
The Client-CommandList.
append  Boolean  (Optional)
Indicates whether the Client-CommandList contents should be appended to the existing Card-CommandList contents (if any), or simply replace them.

If append is true, the Client-CommandList contents will be appended to any existing Card-CommandList contents.
By default, the Client-CommandList contents will replace any existing Card-CommandList contents.

executionLimit  Int32  (Optional)
Maximum number of times this list can be executed before it must be replaced.

If an attempt to execute the list is made after executionLimit has been reached, an exception is thrown.
The limit applies to lists executed by calling Execute(Int32), and also when called from another list as a subroutine.

See Also