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Introduction to Card Discovery for the SP-ICE-3

How cards are identified

A SP-ICE-3 Card can be uniquely identified by its Serial Number.

How cards make themselves known.

SP-ICE-3 Cards implement a variant of the UPnP Discovery mechanism to make themselves known to any interested Host-PCs which happen to be members of the same IP sub-net.

They do this by responding to ssdp:M-SEARCH queries that are broadcast by applications wishing to discover the cards.

The responses from a given card include, amongst other information, its Serial Number.

Note  Note

The Discovery mechanism uses TCP/IP Broadcast messages, which are not routeable.

Consequently, it does not allow discovery of cards located in sub-nets other than the one of which the Host-PC itself is a member.

How applications can discover SP-ICE-3 Cards.

An application that wishes to find out which SP-ICE-3 Cards (if any) are accessible to it, can do so by broadcasting M-SEARCH queries.

The necessary functionality is provided by the SP-ICE-3 ClientLib and can be employed by custom applications to identify and enumerate SP-ICE-3 Cards that are accessible from the Host-PC.

See Also